Switching from breastmilk to formula milk


New Member
Hi, my daughter has just turned 1 year old. I have been breastfeeding her all this while. However, I have just returned to work full time and might have to substitute her afternoon milk feed with formula milk as I am not expressing enough milk for her. What is a good brand to try? I heard that Nestle Nan is most similar to breastmilk. Is this true? What about goat's milk (Karihome)? I also read from some places that I can give her fresh milk after 1 year old. The fresh milk, is it Magnolia that kind of fresh milk? So, my question is whether I should give her cow formula milk (which brand is good?), goat's milk (Karihome, that's the only one I know of), or just fresh milk? Thanks alot!!


New Member
Or should I skip the afternoon milk feed and let her eat some snacks in place of the milk? I intend to continue to breastfeed her when I'm at home.

Also, currently she only drinks 3 times a day. Once in the morning when I wake up, once in the mid-afternoon, and once before bedtime. She still wakes up at night (around 1-3 times each night) and when she does, I'll just latch her on. Is she getting enough milk? Any advice? Thanks!


Hi, my pd says there are no fm similar to breastmilk.. However, he recommended Nan HA and Enfalac HA.. to be the most closes to breastmilk..


Babies above the age of 1, recommended to take in between 500-600ml milk daily.

Yes, NAN and Enfalac are claimed to be closest to breastmilk. For NAN, HA means hypoallergenic while Pro means probiotics. My boy was on HA beacuse he was an allergic baby. But he is on Pro now.

If you're considering fresh milk, you can consider Pura or Meiji. I prefer the taste of those 2 brands better than Magnolia.