Taiwan massage parlors and brothels - scouting report


Last night, me and a friend drove around to dozens of massage parlors and pub/KTV type of joints around Chiayi, Taiwan all night til 6am in the morning. We wanted to check them out and satisfy our curiosity about them, since they are often behind dark tinted windows with seductive soft lighting in front, which we found very alluring and curiosity-arousing. Both of us felt that going alone to such places felt intimidating and "out of flow" so it was easier to go together.


New Member
My God, you reminded me about how I went to a massage parlor with erotic services. You can't imagine how cool it was for me at that moment. And with that, I first tried this thing when I was in London at work. I worked almost every day and needed rest. I thought that erotic massage would help me relax, and I was not mistaken. When everything was happening, at that moment, I felt as if I was flying somewhere in space. And at the end of the process, I slept, and it was the best dream of my life because I dreamed things that I can't describe here. And the most important thing is that the masseur was Asian.
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