teat of milk bottle


Hi mummies,

Just want to check whether there's a possibilities that the teat of a bottle is not suitable for a baby? For instance, baby will still suck from the bottle but then he/she will also swallow a lot of air while sucking due to unsuitable teats.
is a matter of time baby get used to the teat and know how to suck properly. is the same as latching. at first, baby doesnt know how to latch but after a while, after many prac, she knows how to. but of cos during the time when she is trying to get used to a teat, she will swallow a lot of gas but after a while, after she has learnt, shd be quite ok.

usu if a baby is solely bott fed from the start with no latch and using only one teat, she will know to to suck effectively fr the teat. but if baby was latching and is intro bott, there will be probs of her not knowing how to suck and therefore swallow air. so is trickier to intro bott to a baby who is latching fully than a baby who has never been latched.


My baby has been using Avent bottle since day 5 and some latching in the first month.. But not very effective in latching so I change to bottles only.. She's seems to have swallow a lot of air when drinking bottles as she keep farting even though I did burp her..
I think NUK is quite good. I just tried letting my baby suck on it. it is softer than tommie tippie which i previously tried on her as well but not successful. are you breastfeeding? if so, try a softer teat cos i think the feel is nearer to our breasts.

it is quite normal for babies to have a lot of wind in the first few mths cos they are not able to burp on their own and need us to do so. m gal started to burp on her own when she was 2 and half mths. so, the wind prob is less serious than before.


sometimes after using a particular teat for a longer time, the hole will become bigger. so something to watch out.

Also take note that there are different types of teats for babies at different months.