

New Member
Hi guys anyone know about thalassemia? recently my 2years old daughter have alpha thalassemia minor.. please anyone can advise


Thalassemia minor is not an issue to worry about. only if its major, then you have to worry.

Basically she inherited the gene from either you or your husband, meaning either one of you are a carrier in the first place. She was born with the gene, so its not something that just developed recently.

Thalassemia minor carriers most have no problems with living and growing up. I am a alpha thal minor carrier myself and have no problems so far. At most is anemic issue, but it's not going to be as serious as requiring blood transfusions or anything. For me, my hemoglobin levels are usually 11g/dL while the ideal is ard 12.5-13g/dL, so I am always likely to be rejected for blood donation. Even with the lower hemoglobin levels, I feel fine and no problem with any activities.. won't feel faint or anything(just upset I can't donate blood only..).

If you are still worried, you can always ask your child's PD. I'm sure it's not a problem to worry about.

On another note, since either your husband or you are a carrier, I would suggest for you both to have thalassemia dna screening test done at the National Thalassemia Registry at KKH. It's $30 for both of you, results take approx 4 weeks. This is to rule out the possibility that both of you could be carriers. If both are carriers there is a probability that future child will be major trait carrier(which is something to worry about). When the result is out, the registry will also inform the carrier parent to get siblings to go for the test also. Purpose is to minimise birth of thalassemia major carrier children.

And also, when your daughter grows up and time for her to marry and have children, do tell her to get your future son-in-law to do the test. Then, she can give you grandchildren without worrying about whether child will carry major trait.

Don't worry your girl will grow up healthy child ya ^^
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