To Open a Child Care Business:

David Bushey

New Member
Hello Community,

If you love kids and would love making some extra money while playing with those kids, a child care business might be the right answer for you.

Determine whether a child care business is the right business venture for you and your family. Child care involves long hours, crying kids and stretched attention for your own children. Spend time in a day care center and you will know how hard the work really is for the money you will make.

Decide whether you want a home-based child care business or whether you are ready for a little more of a challenge. A home-based child care business has fewer state laws and child welfare regulations. When you start getting into child care with more than a certain number of kids, the regulations get more stringent. How much can you handle? Do you have help from another adult to watch kids? If you have decided this is the career for you, decide how big your child care business will be.

Thanks and Regards,
David Bushey

Nanny Brentwood


New Member
Sounds interesting... :) yeah agree w/ ms. Julia.. :D need to save enough money for it and a lot of preparations :)