Too little weight gain during pregnancy?


2.7 kg is quite to gulp down a tub of movenpick a day is unthinkable.... do be careful with the sugar level too... im sure your gynae will be monitoring that everytime.... im consuming ice kacang, durian and bubble tea occasionally... partly to help the baby grow and artly to satisfy my own cravings.... :)

i just went to a new gynae yesterday and is very happy with her as she is very patient and proactive. She helped to measure if the baby's stomach size is ok (she has a chart to indicate the biggest and smallest acceptable size) becos if the baby is undernourished the stomach is the first one to shrink.... luckily the size is average in the middle. She also measured the brain (the last thing to shrink if she is under nourished) and it is also average. Thanks for those helpful advice in this topic im more assured now.


omg my stomach is giving me problems again.... now my fingers are shaking from not having enough food.... argh it is so irritating when you know you need to eat but you cannot stomach anything.....