Trouble sleeping at night!


Hi all.
I have birth to my daughter at 18. She's 8 months old now. Currently I'm pregnant with my son due in November. I'm taking care of my daughter and the house as hubby is working day & night to support our family. What I look forward most at the end of the day is a great sleep being so exhausted taking care of my precious & being pregnant at the same time.
Problem is, my daughter doesn't sleep through the night. Not even a 3 hour stretch. She seems to have problems with tummy air, but this doesn't occur in the day. Her feed would be 11PM. Then she'll be awake by 1. She'd be screaming. Pacifier doesn't help. Wind drops don't help. Hammock doesn't help. Burping doesn't help (I could stay up 30mins after a feed at night to make sure she burps). I can't sooth her. The only way to stop her from crying is to give a little little bit of milk, of which she would fart and go back to sleep, only to wake up 1-2hours later. This goes on till 8+ in the morning then shed be fully awake, and me - walking dead. :(
Any suggestions??

cn naz

Have you tried the ru yi oil? After i put this on my baby, she would pass gas and then goes back to sleep


New Member
My son (10 months old now) behaved just the same since birth. Colic seemed to be the culprit and tried numerous method. One method which worked better for me is to let him sleep tummy down. This is a very risky option but I took precaution by letting him sleep in this posture with either my wife or myself beside his cot so that we can wake up to attend to him. So far, no accidents happen and it became his favourite sleeping position.


My son (10 months old now) behaved just the same since birth. Colic seemed to be the culprit and tried numerous method. One method which worked better for me is to let him sleep tummy down. This is a very risky option but I took precaution by letting him sleep in this posture with either my wife or myself beside his cot so that we can wake up to attend to him. So far, no accidents happen and it became his favourite sleeping position.
She will keep turning and refuse to sleep tummy down. :( sometimes when she does I realize she sleeps better too but won't last long. :(