Trying to conceive while breastfeeding but dont want to wean.. Praying for miracle?


Trying to get pregnant again now my baby is about 8 months.. And I dont't want to wean off. Is it really difficult? No news still.. Getting disappointed.. Buy really dont't wanna wean off breastfeeding..

What should I do to increase my chance? Been trying for about 2 months. And as my menses hasn't return, we only try to do more often when I feel that I have egg white discharge. That's all..

Any of you on the same path as me? Share your stories?


New Member
Re: Trying to conceive while breastfeeding but dont want to wean.. Praying for miracl

Wean first. I got pregnant while breastfeeding my 19 month old. Miscarried at 7 weeks. Gynea advised that half the women she treats who breast fed while ttc ended up like me. breastfeeding taxes the body and the egg released may not be in optimum condition. Your hormones will also be supporting both the sibling and the little one inside. The risk no matter how small is real. Give your unborn child the best shot in life. Her advise to me was to wean, wait at least 1 normal cycle to ensure that your hormones are ok then try. Don't make the same mistake as me. I really regret not knowing this earlier. You can also google breastfeeding + miscarriage to read more.