Unjustified orders


I've been in a fix situation with my ancillary matter regarding the matrimonial flat. Already got divorce since early 2011.
As part of the agreement regards to the flat, I agreed to transfer my ownership of the flat to my ex. He was given sufficient time to obtain necessary loans and whatnots to effect the transfer but didn't. Then got time extensions from the court to further get the transfer done. Part of the agreed order was that if he failed to complete the transfer , it would then be sold in open market.
He filed again an application for court to grant him more time to effect the transfer and despite my efforts to address to the court the multiple extensions given by the court, the need for me to get my share and name out to get my own application done for Hdb to house my child and myself.. The court still granted another extension to him. This is now close to 18months since the initial order made and he has yet to transfer.

This is purely Unjustified as all factors clearly show that it should go for open market sale as per the orders of court.

Has anybody ever filed an appeal against the court judgement.
Any feedback I should consider about filing appeal or any alternative action I can take?