Wat kinds of solids to introduce to infants.


I'll try to feed breast milk for as long as I can. Otherwise, after 1 year old, mummies can find alternatives to cow's milk as infant forumla is not necessary anymore. A friend's boys are on oats milk once they wean off infant formula.

Im totally horrified with cow's milk after reading up about it... So I'm trying not to feed cow's milk or drink it myself.

Erm they still need to drink milk after 1 yr old. At least before bedtime (they can sleep better) and in the middle of the night when they wake in hunger, u can't be feeding solids to a hungry and sleepy child right?


New Member
I read somewhere that soy milk is not good for boys in long term, because it has a female hormone alike estrogen in it. Somewhere in this forum i also remember someone mentioning that a pd commented that boys shouldn't take soy milk too much. U may like to google up on soy milk and estrogen for the details.

Well I guess no matter how controversial these articles may seem, to me everything should be taken in moderation. Too much of a certain thing is never good. New research articles are popping up everywhere everyday. One moment they may claim coffee or chocolates to be bad, 2 months later they claim it's good for the heart. One day we'll never know what else is consider safe to eat anymore.

And as much as it seems that cow's milk is 'horrifying', we must not forget that many of us grew up on it too. Does that makes us any different? I dun think so. But keeping options open and varying a child's diet with a variety of foods / different types of milk (be it cow, goat, oat, or soy) shouldn't be too wrong.

Just my 2 cents worth :)
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Haha the most horrifying part to me is when the article I read said diary cows were supposed to have enough milk to feed a calf each but they were given hormones injection that increased their milk production to 10 times what they naturally would have produced. The cells in the cows' breasts, having made to work abnormally, might be cancerous. Even if not cancerous, it will transfer the hormones to whoever drank it. Moreover most cows in farms are now enclosed and fed corns instead of roaming freely, exercise, and eat grass, their natural diet.I was pumping my breasts then and I happened to have a painful blocked duct.I thought of the engorged breasts of the poor cows and then I imagined the cancerous cells producing milk for me and my baby... so that's it... no more cows' milk!
Yup I grew up drinking it and I used to like it but now, no more.

I read somewhere that soy milk is not good for boys in long term, because it has a female hormone alike estrogen in it. Somewhere in this forum i also remember someone mentioning that a pd commented that boys shouldn't take soy milk too much. U may like to google up on soy milk and estrogen for the details.

Well I guess no matter how controversial these articles may seem, to me everything should be taken in moderation. Too much of a certain thing is never good. New research articles are popping up everywhere everyday. One moment they may claim coffee or chocolates to be bad, 2 months later they claim it's good for the heart. One day we'll never know what else is consider safe to eat anymore.

And as much as it seems that cow's milk is 'horrifying', we must not forget that many of us grew up on it too. Does that makes us any different? I dun think so. But keeping options open and varying a child's diet with a variety of foods / different types of milk (be it cow, goat, oat, or soy) shouldn't be too wrong.

Just my 2 cents worth :)


Each to their own :)

I've read up about cow's milk before but I don't have the same conviction. I love cow's milk as much as I love cheesecakes and whipped cream on my pancakes so have no problems with my children taking it.

It's the same with meat...watching documentaries about where meat comes from is saddening, but doesn't turn me off meat. I just try to buy free-range wherever possible.

As parents we try to do what's best according to our personal convictions, that's why there are vegetarian or vegan families out there as well as meat-eating families. As long as the decisions made are informed decisions then it is up to the parents. Another 2 cents there :)


ast0212, I just realized the change in your forum signature. Congrats on the birth of your baby and a big welcome to baby Sofia!

Each to their own :)

I've read up about cow's milk before but I don't have the same conviction. I love cow's milk as much as I love cheesecakes and whipped cream on my pancakes so have no problems with my children taking it.

It's the same with meat...watching documentaries about where meat comes from is saddening, but doesn't turn me off meat. I just try to buy free-range wherever possible.

As parents we try to do what's best according to our personal convictions, that's why there are vegetarian or vegan families out there as well as meat-eating families. As long as the decisions made are informed decisions then it is up to the parents. Another 2 cents there :)