what am i having...thrush, cracked nipple or what?


New Member

Few weeks ago, I started hving a stinging sensation quite freqly during some of my non-nursing let-downs (when not nursing, see my nipple starts leaking). described this to an e-counsellor and suspected thrush. I saw a GP n my gynae and they didn't say definitely tt it was thrush when i asked them....GP said "not too bad" when asked if it's thrush..didnt confirm it was..just asked me apply moisturizer coz dry and cracked....gynae gave me neoderm fungal cream to apply..i applied for 1 week, stinging sensation decreased but burning sensation n a little swelling of areola started n went soon...stopped the fungal cream n applied Lansinoh nipple moisturizer for awhile coz felt the fungal cream made my nipple v dry....stinging sensation came bk again but no more burning sensation..checked my son's mouth and tongue...his tongue has little white stuff like milk curd...cldn't clean off entirely coz he'l gag...doesn't look like thrush coz his cheek-walls in mouth doesn't hv anything....he's still nursing well, not fussing....spoke to an LC casually and said might be thrush if son has it or cracked nipple...so what am i hving? coz GP n gynae doesn't seem to know and define thrush definitely........just wanna know so tt can seek the right treatment instead of alternating between Lasinoh and the fungal cream...my son is not treated for thrush....

sometimes, i get like bruised kinda feeling at my breasts once in a while when sleeping...sigh...what am i hving? so confused......


Active Member
Yeah, I know those sharp, shooting pain. Actually I too wasnt sure if we really had thrush as I had very sore and cracked nipples. In my case, the pain went away after a while into latching but returned after baby detached from the breast. I had that during the early months of breastfeeding.

Both Quan and myself were being treated for thrush for almost 4-6 weeks (or was it longer??). The peade gave Quan oral gel and myself fungal cream. I tried to air my nipples whenever possible and used lasinoh cream in between the treatment with fungal cream.


hi, i dun reali understand wat is thrush. i m havin sum of e symptom tat u mummies mentioned. so u mean, it wil oso affected my son??? who sld i see? pls help


New Member
hi, i dont reali understand what is thrush. i m havin sum of e symptom that you mummies mentioned. so you mean, it wil also affected my son??? who sld i see? pls help
you can go google thrush....http://www.babycenter.com/0_thrush-in-breastfeeding-moms_8486.bc

it's a yeast/bacteria infection. quite common i heard....it can be passed from you to bb n vice-versa. usually some fungal cream wil be given to you n bb (if he has too) to apply....extreme case wil be given antibiotics....I wld suggest ya call a lactation consultant better than gg to GP coz they may not know the definite symptoms just like my case...till now dunno whether it's thrush anot coz my bb doesn't hv despite me 100% BF.

check ya bb's tongue to see if he has white-milk-like curd tt cant be wiped off....