What is your 14mths daily feed?


New Member
5 of them is tough job. Haha, but seeing them, everything seem worth it. But gotta say, everyone of them is different.


New Member
Thanks for sharing on the recipe ideas. Just to check, wondering if going to make pancake for baby, is it own made or buy instant pancake mix more advisable?


my 14-month girl-
5am - BF. volume = ???
8am - EBM 100ml
9am - breakfast/morning snack/call it what you want
11am - EMB 100ml
12pm - lunch of porridge (vege + meat/fish)
3pm - EMB 100ml
5pm - dinner (menu is the same as lunch) + 1/2 a hardboiled egg
8pm - BF
<my mom fits in the fruit somewhere, i usually give it in the afternoon on weekends. don't know what other snacks my mom feeds her in the day...>
another 1-2 rounds of BF-ing in the night

i don't think she gets a substantial amount of food in the morning to call it breakfast. i would rather call it a morning snack. i don't think there is an issue here. different babies develop at different pace. some eat very little in the morning so hard to force a substantial amount down their throats first thing in the morning. my daughter's appetite increases as the day progresses. the amount of porridge she takes is about 50% more in the evening than for lunch. even in the family, there are different patterns. i eat a lot for breakfast once i wake up at 5am. my husband can only start eating at 9am. anything wrong? i don't think so.

re her monotonous diet of porridge - she only has four teeth - 2 front teeth each upper and lower jaws. can she chew? soft foods that can be grounded with her gums, like soft rice, bread, rice rusks. but i am not prepared for her to grind her food with her gums the whole meal... and she chokes on food that does not mash up after swirling it a while in the mouth. e.g. corn. and hence, the soft diet. my son started teething v late too and went through the same routine. any problems now? no. he eats everything. if anything, he prefers veggies to meat. i remember a girl who shares the same birthday as him nibbling corn off a cob at 13 months. reason? when she smiles, you see two rows of nice teeth.

re only 100ml of EBM - it's because my mom has had to fight getting 100ml down her throat since day 1. both son and daughter hate the bottle. in fact, now my mom feeds her EBM from a sippy cup until she gets bored and starts dribbling and then will continue feeding the rest with a spoon.

rather against what is recommended for weaning/moving toddlers onto solids/feeding table food. but every child is unique and develops at his/her pace. i'm not going to sweat over how she seems a little slow in some areas. i agree there needs to be some discipline - they only eat at the table and nowhere else. they need to take a minimum amount of food/fruit/water/milk etc. but the body also has a lovely way of ensuring that it gets enough and will make up for the lack on one day by increasing appetite/demand for more on other days (my son survived on bread and cheese at 15 months old - no milk because he was anti-formula milk then - for 5 days when we were travelling. did he fall ill? no. did he lose some weight? probably. did he gain the weight back? certainly.) bottomline, the parent shouldn't be indulgent but set some baseline rules and expectations. beyond that, there are be a room for maneuvering and flexibility.

May i know what time she took a day nap?
if she wakes up before 7am, she'll take a short nap about ten-ish in the morning then again after 1pm. if she wakes up later (around 7-ish to 8am), then she's usually nap after lunch for up to 2 hours :)