what should i do?


My babies are fussing every time, they refuse to sleep in the cot,bed,sofa,infant carseat,rocker,bouncy. My CL decided to use her clever idea and used the yaolan. what should i do?


Now for 15mins already, he is fussing again, I have no idea what to do as my CL is fedup about something(she just hung up the phone after scolding someone) and many more grandmother story. I do not want her to use the yaolan when Im out as my house is already very cramped. I dont need that giant thing hanging out in my living room.


Well-Known Member
u hv twins?
well, maybe the best way is to seperate them for now, (when napping) bcos if one cry, the other will too, then both cry tgt.

dim the lights, make sure the surroundings r quiet, room is cooling.
just lay him on the bed, pat pat pat pat pat n soothe him to slp.
also, try swaddling, it helps to make babies feel secure.


Yes i have twins but its just that both dont get affected by cries they just cry. I notice whenever we take them out, they are well behaved i thought they "changed" for the better lol but the minute we step into the house, thats it.. back to monster mode.

shld i just ignore and let them cry for 10-15mins? Thats the only "solution" i can think of now.. but its quite upsetting to see them cry till whole body turn red, tears all over the face.. sigh


My daughter has been acting like that as well.. She keeps crying for no reason. Checked that she's not hungry, diaper not soiled, no wind in stomach..Tried carrying her, rocking her but all no use!! Help! She's coming to three weeks old..


New Member
My daughter has been acting like that as well.. She keeps crying for no reason. Checked that she's not hungry, diaper not soiled, no wind in stomach..Tried carrying her, rocking her but all no use!! Help! She's coming to three weeks old..
Maybe she is feeling insecure? Try swadling her, it works for my baby. Good luck! :)


My mum told me that babies can pick up the mood in the room. Maybe try to relax when handling them? e.g Talk in a soothing voice and relax, think good thoughts before carrying them. This can be extremely hard to do when they are fussing :)


My mum told me that babies can pick up the mood in the room. Maybe try to relax when handling them? e.g Talk in a soothing voice and relax, think good thoughts before carrying them. This can be extremely hard to do when they are fussing :)
i totally agrees that babies pick up the mood in the room esp frm "us". i remember there's one time when i got mad at my hubby and still feeling frustrated while trying to put my boy to sleep, he jus look at me with his eyes wide open and doesnt wana to go to sleep but when i calm down n gave him lots of kisses ard his forehead, he seem to calm down and go to sleep.


So I assumed the cl is not happy?Cause they are under her care for now as I have to get my errands done before she leaves. But yesterday the min we took them out, they will so well behaved i thought ok it's going to be coming to soon end of crying phrase cause previously when we took them out they occasionally will fuss. But moment we step into the house they are back at it. I asked the pd she told me to be patient cause different babies have different character.. I really want to stop,although I have no problem letting them cry for awhile before carrying them again, it's just very heart wrecking.


hi angela,

i know how discouraging it can be, i've been there. my baby used to cry endlessly and hysterically for the first few months of her life. most times there was no way to calm her down.

just wondering, do your babies get enough sleep?
during her hysterical crying phase, my baby got over-stimulated very easily and found it hard to "switch off" to fall asleep. as a newborn she would stay up for 4 hours kicking away. i thought that babies will fall asleep when tired. but found that that's not true for every baby. some babies need extra help falling asleep. so we focussed on giving her proper naps/sleep, doing whatever it took. this helped a bit.

like your pediatrician said, i also think it's the temperament of the babies. even though my girl doesn't cry as much now at 8 months old, she still responds very intensely to some situations and is very lively and active.