What to leave on a memorial bench


It is the anniversary of a friend's death tomorrow. We organised to install a bench in her favourite spot. I'm going to visit the bench tomorrow and would like to leave something. She wasn't a very flowery type of person though and I don't like the sight of decaying flowers, or wrinkled balloons. Any ideas?


Consider adding a plaque or stone with a personalized message or quote that your friend loved. This will be a lasting reminder of her in her favorite spot.


Hey there! First of all, I'm sorry for your loss. It's touching to hear that you've organized a memorial bench for your friend's favourite spot. I'm sure she would have loved it. As for what to leave, perhaps something that reminds you of her or something that she loved. It could be a favorite book, a small trinket, or a photograph. It's important to remember that it's the sentiment behind the gesture that counts, not necessarily the object itself. Oh, and by the way, have you heard of the Morris Monument? It's a beautiful memorial site that might inspire some ideas for what to leave on your friend's bench.