What u do when breastfeeding bb or pumping?


early months: TV, internet, magazines, iPhone or just sleep together with the bb.

now that baby is aware of his surroundings only iPhone in silent mode, sleep with bb during night feedings.


My baby makes a lot of noise n movements while feeding n freq unlatches himself n get frustrated so I have to guide him during feeding. He also falls asleep n I have to wake him up to continue feeding. Hope he gets more experienced with time n this will be easier for us both. During pumping, I surf net or play iPad games.


Is there any radiation given out by handPhone if use too near too baby?
there's sure to be radiation. in this age, electronic devices are everywhere (wireless pc, cordless phone, even baby monitors) very hard to avoid radiation, only strong or weak. try not to use the phone so frequently near baby lor and don't let baby play with your phone. but i sometimes also wonder how near is near...
i try not to think too much about it :p if not will become very paranoid...