When to eat bird's nest?

Hi mummies... I'm in 24th week now. Just wondering if I should start eating those bird's nest or coconut juice...?
and how to get coconut juice? Can we make one ourselves? Or buy packets?
thanks :)


Active Member
Coconut juice u can find them in pasar malam or supermarkets like NTUC or shengsiong.. Just buy home and chop open urself?

Bird's nest can start already if u wan.. But not too much..


notenoughshoes:752581 said:
Hi mummies... I'm in 24th week now. Just wondering if I should start eating those bird's nest or coconut juice...?
and how to get coconut juice? Can we make one ourselves? Or buy packets?
thanks :)
U can start drinking coconut juice only when nearing ur edd, one week before ur edd can start le. :)


notenoughshoes:752613 said:
So can start taking bird nest like once a week? But how to take? Just one scoop or must mix with something else? Tks :)
Mmm, once a week can.. haha i didnt take any of it back then.. it comes in small bottles right? Just 1 will do.. if no taste, u can mix abit of honey.. :)


So can start taking bird nest like once a week? But how to take? Just one scoop or must mix with something else? Tks :)

U can mix a scoop of birds nest into a glass of warm milk..or hv u tot of boiling it yourself? I didnt take it from the bottle cos just the birds nest itself is abit cooling so i boil it with some chinese herb and rock sugar every week


New Member
Hi mummies, do you all know that bird nest helps in the recovery process during pregnancy? I've a friend selling them at a very reasonable price, reason being there is no physical shop thus less overhead costs. Products are tried and tested, and does not contain any chemicals during cleaning process. Words have been spreading fast regarding this new premium brand of bird nest that they are currently selling, feel free to check them out at https://www.facebook.com/you3premiumbirdnest! Last I heard they are doing pretty well and may start opening a shop around town soon! You may also contact Kelvin at 9129 0566 for orders or enquiries, have a great day ahead! :D

P.S: Buying them from reputable stores are way overpriced. 1 Tael (37.5Grams) at $300+. YOU3 PREMIUM BIRD NEST is selling at less than $300 for 100Grams! Thats a whopping 60% off, it's indeed a STEAL!
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