Where to get reasonably priced crib bedding set?


New Member
Hi everyone,

Just wondering where can we buy crib bedding set at reasonable prices?
I've visited places like Kiddy Palace (find the crib sheets kinda rough to the touch) and Mothercare (expensive!).

Also, not sure if it sounds silly...lol...but is there such a thing called threadcount when it comes to crib sheets etc? Just like our bedsheets...?


not so sure of the thread count.. but to get bb cot, bedding, prams, etc.. you can try the baby car mart at Kaki Bukit area..
prices are cheaper than mothercare and shopping malls.. But their variety is not as much la... :)


New Member
Hi cyberie,

Thanks :) Yeap, I've heard about the Kaki Bukit megastores for baby products but have yet gone down because it is quite far (stay in the west). Will try to go down this weekend and see...


I've been to that megastore a couple of times and always left empty handed. Reason is: the price is same as outside. I compared the bedding, cotton bud, changing mat...all the same. So in the end I bought from kiddy palace n used the 10% member discount.

Re bedding at kaki bukit, small range and same brands as those offered in kiddy palace and moms & babes.