Which cord blood banking company to choose?


Hi daddies & mummies,

Anyone of you store your baby's stemcells at Cryoviva company?? I heard this company is new in singapore! Can anyone share your experienced??



New Member
Never heard of Cryoviva before. I've only heard of Stemcord and Cordlife...

I have a few friends who go with Cordlife, during their events. Initially I thought of donating my baby's cord blood after he is born but I realised that I'll be relinquishing all rights to the cord blood. So in future if suay suay my boy need to use then how? I cannot get back my baby's cord blood.

I'm thinking of storing them, just don't know with who. Still considering


End up i still choose Cryoviva as i feel more comfortable with their service! Summore the cord banking centre is at kkh itself which i find it more safe & hygiene! If you wan to compare i can intro you my service person! No harm to compare, just choose which 1 you feel the best!


New Member
Hi Velvenie,

What is Cryoviva's pricing like? I cannot find their pricing online. How long you store it for? They process the cord blood on their own or just use KKH as storing place?

I heard that Cordlife is AABB accredited and they have their own licensed facility at Yishun. They are a listed company and seem more established than Cryoviva. Cryoviva is newly set-up?



This company is new in singapore but is quiet establish in other country! Cryoviva is also AABB accredited. I do check with my gynae , he said this company is ok! Btw, they using their facilities for storage only as spore cord blood donation using the same lab too. I thinki paid less than 2k for initial n store i go for 21yrs. Every year is $250...but i cant remember the actual amout! For further information u can chk with the person incharge as he can explain more details to u! They will tell u all the facilities n technologies ( which i cant remember the name) they using! I do compare the 3 company but finally i choose cryoviva cos gynae ensure me this company is ok!
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New Member
just happened to come across this thread and wanted to share my terrible experience with cryoviva. i signed up with them last year, and was also told that they are AABB certified (which isn't entirely true as they were outsourcing their processing to the SCBB lab at KKH at that time, so the certifications belonged to SCBB and not cryoviva). but now they have moved out to their own facility which doesn't have any accreditation! worst part is that i wasn't even informed beforehand that they were moving out till i heard from their competitors when i accompanied my friend to speak to the other cord blood banks during a baby fair! luckily cordlife was offering free transfer at that time, and i opted to transfer my LO's cord blood to cordlife. but my nightmare didn't end there. the staff at cryoviva made it extremely difficult to retrieve my LO's cord blood by refusing to reply to my emails and calls, and supply me with my LO's lab documents (which rightfully belongs to my baby) that was required for this transfer, and they even didn't want to refund me the pro-rated fees (i chose to pay everything upfront, so they should refund me the balance amount since i wasn't going to continue my storage with them). all in all, it was an extremely painful process, and i wouldn't wish this upon any other parent. so just a word of caution to think very carefully should you be considering storing your baby's cord blood with cryoviva. after this experience, i've realised that their words aren't very truthful, nor are they very responsible as a company.