Who Can Accompany You In Labour Ward Other Than Your Husband?


Hmm...just wondering, who else is allowed to accompany you during labour in delivery room/labour ward other than your husband (during husband's absent) for normal/vaginal delivery?

Mother, sister, mother in law etc possible to accompany (when husband is absent)?

Anyone knows?


I'm not sure on how many people are allowed to accompany you into the labour ward.
But, I'm sure that if your husband is to be absent, you can definitely choose to have another person to accompany you throughout the process.

In cases whereby someone request to be in labour ward with you, and you object to it, he/she will be denied of entrance and attendance.
So no worries about it.

All hospitals allow for accompaniment throughout the labour.
It's important to have someone supportive with you throughout the process. :)


As what I know, if at Mt alvernia. only Husband is allow in the delivery suite. And the rest if in law have to wait at visitor lounge.


Well-Known Member
Think it's best to check with the hospital as different hospitals have different regulations.
I agree too.. I think u also dont want any one to see you go into labour as i find it v sacred... a v rare experience that only very close ones should share with u, esp ur hubby or mum =):shyxxx:


Thank you for all replies :) I'm just scared to go into labour ward and deliver on my own/alone altho this is my 2nd child. Just wish other close person is allowed and can accompany me during delivery when hubby is absent...
at KK hospital it's ONLY either husband or own mother, no one else will be allowed. and only 1 person can company inside. sister or girlfriend all not allowed, this was told during the hospital tour i attended.


I dont think i'll be comfortable if my mother-in-law is with me during labour..The only person other than my gynae and nurses whom i will allow to see my "below region" will be my husband..!!! :shyxxx:


When I went for hospital tour at Mt A, was told only husband was allowed.

I am ok with it, dont want anyone else too. I think even if my hubby is not present, I wouldnt choose anyone else. Reason being I wont want anyone else to see me in that condition and in that state.


i delivered in TMC in Mar and my sister accompanied me in the labour ward as my husband is overseas. no need for any authorisation or whatever, just have to tell the nurse that your husband is not around and unlikely going to reach in time.

so long as there is no change to the person that is going to accompany you.(meaning, the person had to be the same person throughout/cannot change person)


Active Member
i gave birth @ MT A & only husbands are allowed in. my SIL(hubby's bro wife) gave birth @ thomson medical & my MIL went in with her into labour ward.


New Member
erm.. what about if not my hubby? as in, we are not engaged but he is the father of my baby? will he be able to accompany me throughout the whole process?


Well-Known Member
Does anyone know if father is allowed to accompany his daughter?

I've a friend who's hubby may not be around with her during delivery, and her mum is not around anymore.


Does anyone know if father is allowed to accompany his daughter?

I've a friend who's hubby may not be around with her during delivery, and her mum is not around anymore.
should be ok since it's the next of kin.. but it's now the father mind or not.. some father's don't really wanna see their daughter in such a state if u know what i mean.


For KKH, i know its only Husband or father of the baby(ur BF but u r not ROM yet) but u need to sign a acknowlegement if its ur BF..