Who help to take care of your new born while u are at work?


Active Member
Hubby and me are now facing a problem... my MIL kept finding excuses not to take care of our baby... b4 we are preg, she kept rushing us to and even wan us to go for check up to see whether are we having any problem. when im preg now, she sort of refuse to take care of our kid... hai... she is working as a sales personnel and earning around $1400 per mth (exclude commission) we did propose to that she quit her job and we will give her more allowance, around $1000 - $1400 if we can afford. in the beginning, she say ok but after hear say from her own sisters, she still prefer to work.

even if we are to hire a maid, there must be someone at home to see the maid, we do not wan anything to happen to our child which may be too late to regret...

so who look after your new born when you are working? im thinking of quitting my job since my MIL do not wan to take care but this will result in less income in my side too... headache ya!!!


Active Member
Ya.. Since u r prepared to fork out $1000-$1400 monthly already, maybe u wanna consider infantcare?

I was lucky enough to have my own mom look after my baby after my maternity leave ended.. She wen back to work after my girl turns 20 months n goes to a childcare instead..


I am getting a maid to help out - more cost efficient in the long run. BUT the maid will not be left alone with bb. Maid will be at my mum's pl with bb so that there is 24 hrs surveillance (parent's watchful eyes) camera on maid + bb. hohohooo....

I think some parents put their bb with infant care.

And some tong pang at parents/in laws pl.

All are good ideas.


I'm thinking of getting a maid to help out as well. But will send baby and maid to parent's place for supervision.

But seriously maid also not cheap. At least 800 a month (inclusive of levy)


New Member
we also thinking of hiring a maid, and sending her and baby to my mom's place during daytime. but we do not have another room for her to sleep. so thats the problem.


Dont you have other relatives who can watch for your baby while you're at work? I mean, having a relative to do it is the best option than hiring someone you don't even know. I will always go for someone whom I am comfortable with in taking good care of my baby. If it means quitting my job if I dont get one, then be it. Just my opinion.


Dont you have other relatives who can watch for your baby while you're at work? I mean, having a relative to do it is the best option than hiring someone you don't even know. I will always go for someone whom I am comfortable with in taking good care of my baby. If it means quitting my job if I dont get one, then be it. Just my opinion.
ya! i agree with you! that's my most ideal solution too. but my husband's income will be unable to support a family of 5. and sometimes, relatives might not have the ability to take care (or even be close enough to the mother to offer to take care).

i'm lucky to have a mother-in-law who studied for an infant care cert and worked at infant care. she quit her part time job to take care of my son. so i'm at total ease. she knows almost everything. from looking after to nutrition. =)


I used to have a maid b4. It's really hard to get a good maid nowadays.

At first she is fine, take care of my family and housework well. After sometimes, etc 2 yrs later after we renewed her, her attitude change alot. I guess once those maid mixed with other maid, they will start to have some patterns come out. Therefore, we decided to let her leave. She actually want us to send her back to agency instead of sending her back to her country, but who noes, scarly she run away at the agency there den we will kena. Coz while waiting for another ppl to pick her, she still under our care, means we still paying for her levy.

Moreover, my hubby dun feel easy when got a stranger in the house. We shall see how, mayb will get a day time nanny will do. Who stay the same block as me. If not, since we stay near in law house, I got ppty housing license, I might switch job so that my timing is flexible to take care of baby. If I need to be out, baby will lobang my MIL for a while. Think she is fine with it. But to think further, we might shift house too.. haiz.. headache sia..


Active Member
If I was you, I'd consider infant care.
I don't feel comfortable to leave my child with maid without any supervision. I won't take the risk.


Well-Known Member
if my mum is not able to help me, either i quit my job or i will put my kid in the infant care. i will nvr engage a maid to look after. even IF i ever get a maid, she will only be doing hsewrk while my baby is taken care of by my parents, so.... no point wasting $$$. i mean, its quite silly right? u hire a maid yet u want ur parents to supervise, then why not in the first place just get ur parents to look after? i mean since they can supervise the maid, then they can look after right? getting the maid in this case seems redundant?


if my mum is not able to help me, either i quit my job or i will put my kid in the infant care. i will nvr engage a maid to look after. even IF i ever get a maid, she will only be doing hsewrk while my baby is taken care of by my parents, so.... no point wasting $$$. i mean, its quite silly right? u hire a maid yet u want ur parents to supervise, then why not in the first place just get ur parents to look after? i mean since they can supervise the maid, then they can look after right? getting the maid in this case seems redundant?

ermm my rational of getting a maid then parents supervise so that my parents will not be too stressed out in meeting the needs of the baby, cook and do housework at the same time.
I'm also having a headache now as to where to place my #1. he is coming 8 mths nOw but I'm now 4 mths preg with another. Meaning they will only be 13 mths apart. My in law doesn't mind taking care but I mind coz she is very ' buay zhi dong' n always wanna play w my boy even when he's obviously tired. N alot of other things I can't stand lah.
We tot of getting a maid but have no space for her to sleep n we dun like strangers in house. Last option is to put #1 in infantcare while I care for #2. but I'm afraid he won't be well taken care of when he's in infantcare coz heard alot of ppl saying they let babies cry it out.
Hai... Any suggestions ladies?


get nanny or babysitter?
when i was young, my neighbor babysitted me. she had 2 kids who are older than me. she taught me spelling, cook food for me, etc etc. she was really nice.
but i guess it's tough to find a good babysitter. a babysitter is good because it's one-to-one care.
maybe you can ask ard and find 1 near where u stay? not easy..
get nanny or babysitter?
when i was young, my neighbor babysitted me. she had 2 kids who are older than me. she taught me spelling, cook food for me, etc etc. she was really nice.
but i guess it's tough to find a good babysitter. a babysitter is good because it's one-to-one care.
maybe you can ask around and find 1 near where you stay? not easy..
Hai... Ya loh it's really tough to get a good one. Maid will work out to be d cheapest alternative coz they can do housechores n baby sitting . But then again I dun have d patience to teach her how to care for my baby .having a maid is like having another child muz keep an eye on them so they won't stray!
Nanny 's rates now is rather high too right? N mostly gotta send to their place.伤脑筋。。


Given your situation, I will consider to quit unless I can find a good and reliable infantcare or day-time nanny (must be recommended by friends/relatives who have used her services previously).


Hi I'm a baby-sitter staying in Pasir Ris with 30 yrs experience taking care of infant.I can have new intake next yr cos my present toddler girl + infant boy (brother n sister) are shifting out of Pasir Ris.Can contact me for further disscussion.


New Member
For my case is different from you..at last you can work..For me i must take care let my mom take care my baby for one month and plus after the following months i need to take care myself until my baby grow up to 3 years old so i can work only my husband who support us only..