WTS: Brand New Casakidi Loft Bed (Won in lucky draw & yet to arrange for delivery)


New Member
Dear all,

I won a Loft Bed (comes with mattress) worth $1,980 from Casakidi from last weekend's Baby Baby Exhition Grand Lucky Draw (https://www.facebook.com/babybabysingapore).
I need to let go this item, because:
1. I am staying with my in laws, and there are space constraints
2. My new born (coming out next Jan) won't be able to use it for short and mid-term.

If you are interested in the loft bed,
1. You may request for different color / design, and may also purchase additional complimentary items such as slide.
2. You need to pay $50 (only) for the delivery charge.

The link is as follows:
Our Products
You may also visit the warehouse showroom at 23, Tampines Street 92 to see all the possible combination for the loft bed.

The salesman told me this is a popular model, which they can sell at least 4 pieces every weekend. I am thinking of letting go at $1580 (~20%). Do let me know if you are interested via littlecutefish@hotmail.com
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