Wyeth Progress Gold and Promise Gold Infant Formulae being recalled by AVA

Jane Chow

I have receieved sms from my friend saying that Wyeth Progress Gold and Promise Gold Infant Formulae was found contain Lutein. AVA is recalling all these milk products.
I went to the AVA website to check it out and it is true. The notice is issued on 13 Feb 09 to all importers and agents.
But this morning I saw that the products are still being sold in NTUC and are currently on offer.
If you are giving your baby this formula milk, please beware!!:we2shocked:



Staff member

Thank you for sharing Jane ... lets notify everyone!

Best Regards,


Active Member
I just bought 2 new packs of progress gold for DS .
If it's not allowed shouldn't it be off the shelve ?


Well-Known Member
I just bought 2 new packs of progress gold for DS .
If it's not allowed shouldn't it be off the shelve ?
mayb the shop havent take off shelve in time b4 u bought it? Better to b careful than to b sorry~


New Member
i using promil no problem is it?
i think must read that it is produced in singapore then ok ba?
those have problem is those parallel import in one
so buy from ntuc etc should be ok
buy from mama shop or medical shop better read 1st?
can also email wyeth to ask
i check their website no info leh


New Member
The circular was mentioning there was some milk products "IMPORTED" to Singapore which contains lutein which was not approved by AVA. Therefore, I believed that those made in Singapore was not affected.


Hi Hi,

We had called up AVA to confirmed because i check on my S26 it does not contain such ingrediant.

Hence, AVA says that circularm is for importer and ask them take note if there's this ingrediant inside. If yes, recall back.

But those that we had purchased and selling now in store are ok to consume. To play safe, look at the ingrediant to se if there's such content.


New Member
hey mummies, i'm giving my son Promil Gold which is the step 2.. i've called up to checked with wyeth just now, they had confirmed with me and assure that promil is not affected and the circular is meant for importers.
and she did mentioned that even so, lutein is not harmful but just that some step 3 & 4 milk powder that importers bring in contains lutein which is not registered with AVA hence its not meant for local market, therefore AVA recalls back. she oso shared with me how to diff between got lutein and no lutein milk powder. at the top right hand corner of the milk tin, it will be printed with 'contains lutein'. so that is the one which is being imported in. hope dis will helps.


New Member
Hi Mummies,

I have also called up to AVA...they have clarified tt the news is only for traders to inform them of products from countires such as USA, Malaysia, Australia n etc... contains Lutein n not approved by AVA..

But products in Singapore does not contains any lutein..therefore it's safe for children to consume..n also REMEMBER not to buy the products from other countries except Singapore..


New Member
I just called Wyeth Singapore office, the staff has clarified is only those parellel import that contains Lutein which is selling at medical halls (small shops)... If you are buying from Supermarket like NTUC, COld Storage, Market Place, it does not contain Lutein, so it is safe to consume.


New Member
I just called Wyeth Singapore office, the staff has clarified is only those parellel import that contains Lutein which is selling at medical halls (small shops)... If you are buying from Supermarket like NTUC, COld Storage, Market Place, it does not contain Lutein, so it is safe to consume.
Hi mummies, I've ever bod the Promise Milk that contain lutein, I tot wyeth have changed the outlook plus new ingredient... did'nt noe is from malaysia coz i always tot wyeth is from singapore coz i ever bought in JB and the milk is from Singapore so without reading i just bod it.. and it few mth ago at MCP Yishun... and of coz my son already finished the whole tin luckily i just bod 1 tin... anyway i still keep the tin for my refill pack so i have the picture... so mummy be extra careful the outlook slightly difference and the scoop is in orange colour...

anyway how do i upload picture here so i can upload the tin to share with u mummies... im new :001_302:

Daddy D

Alpha Male
Wyeth milk formula recalled
Fri, Feb 20, 2009
The Straits Times, AsiaOne
BABY formula brand Wyeth has been recalled from shelves here 'as a precautionary measure'.
The Singapore manufactured milk formula, which is exported to foreign markets but re-imported here independently, contains lutein, a type of food colouring.
The import and sale of infant and follow-up formulae containing lutein is currently not allowed. But a spokesman for the Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority (AVA) said there is no immediate cause for alarm.
The Straits Times, AsiaOne

ST a bit slow on this.... become WAN BAO liao... :)


New Member
Hello all,

This morning I called both the Wyeth company and AVA.

Was informed that if you buy the Wyeth pdt from the parallel importers, take note that the milk can must not indicate "Lutein" on it. If it does, pls discard away.

Those on NTUC shelf have gond thru AVA screening and they are safe.

AVA officers mentioned that there is not much study being carry out to evaluate on the possible side effects of Lutein on children. And since Lutein is classified as "not approved food additivies" under AVA guidelines and for precautionary they just rejected products that have Lutein.

So those who have bought Wyeth pdt that do not contain the word "Lutein" on the milk can.....then they are safe. If you search on the web, you would have seen the pictures of the milk can with "lutein" name on it. These are found in Malaysia and Hong Kong, their packagings are so different as compared to NTUC. Do check it out.


New Member
Block that blue light

Looking into lutein
Lutein is concentrated in the outer plexiform layer of the retina, the layer before the light hits the photoreceptors.
The best source of lutein is mother's breast milk.

Prof Dr Eric Louis Lien, of the Department of Food Sciences and Human Nutrition, University of Illinois, Urbana, says: "I would advise mothers to feed their babies exclusively with breast milk for the first six months. That will give them the protection they need. Of course, the mother also needs to eat more fruits and vegetables, which is another source of lutein, to increase the level of lutein in her breast milk."
Lutein cannot be manufactured by the body and must be obtained from foods that are rich in lutein such as kale, spinach, bok choy, mangoes, tomatoes and carrots. As most children are averse to eating their greens, parents have to find creative ways to disguise vegetables in their children's meals.