Signs and Comfort Measures for Teething Babies


Usually babies start teething when they are about 6 months old. But in some cases, babies can teeth as early as 4 months or as late as 14 months. Preemies often teeth later as compared to full term babies. Unless your baby is experiencing global delay due to lack of calcium, late teething isn’t really a cause of concern.

We generally know that babies experience discomfort while they are teething. So, do look out for cues below to identify whether her discomfort are due to teething. While some babies show all the signs, other babies may simply teeth with ease.

The Desire to Chew
Before the teeth erupt, their gums feel pressured. Babies may be constantly search for things to chew on. It can be their thumbs, pacifier, washcloth, toys or even your fingers! By chewing, it will actually relief them from the pressured gums.

Babies drool primarily because they do not have good control of swallowing back their saliva. Another reason for excessive drooling is due to teething. It isn’t easy to differentiate between the two because at this age, baby could drool for one reason or both simultaneously.

Irritation at Night
Teeth eruption tends to be faster at night as compared to daytime. This will cause some irritation during sleep.

What to Do to Ease Teething Irritation
If your heart aches to see your baby having a hard time teething, there are things you could do to help him go through this stage better. Try the following:

Use Teethers
Teethers found at the baby store are used to sooth the baby’s discomfort. Depending on types, some teethers can be placed in the fridge or freezer to before chewing. This will ease the pressure on sore gums but be sure to keep them clean by washing regularly as bacteria can grow easily on chewed teethers. Get 2-3 teethers to rotate using and ensure that they are easy-grip and colorful to make chewing fun. You may also offer teething biscuits but I personally find them a little messy.

Apply Teething Gel
Teething gel such as Dentinox or Bonjela can provide fast relief and are easily available at your nearby pharmacy without prescription. Use as directed and do not apply more than allowance to avoid excessive swallowing.

As teething is a long process and most babies will complete teething at the age of 2, the discomfort can be lasting. So, on top of offering other solutions, try distracting baby by playing with her, offer toys and entertainment that comes in handy.

Before you knew it, your baby would offer you that pearly smile!

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