No More Pregnancy Bed Rest Boredom


Waiting for the big day can be exciting, worrisome, and sometimes – boring. Being big, as an expectant mother, bed rest will drain you with boredom. Of course, you need rest, but being in bed all day can make you depressed. To ward off those negative feelings, there are several things you can do. Yes, productive and fun ways. Be sure to talk to your doctor beforehand, so you can be advised properly.

Bring out the writer in you. You can create online journals or just the usual paper and pen thing, write your thoughts, your feelings. In time, you can even share your entries to your child.

Have fun with colors and hairstyles. Dare yourself to experiment different colors for your hair, nails or even, face! Most salons offer home service. Go ahead pamper yourself. There are brands out there that are safe for pregnant women. Sport a new hairdo to give you a fresh look.

Learn new things. You’ve been wanting to learn something new, but all you did is put it off because you were busy to do it. Now is the time to fulfill that. Make use of the vast of information available at your fingertips to develop personal growth. From music to drawing, knitting to cooking. If you love to read, you can start hitting the books. It’s cheap too, because you can borrow from friends.

The compassionate you. Being pregnant has its perks. When you reach out to people, they are usually more understanding and more forgiving. Reconnect and reconcile with old friends and relatives. Show your appreciation by telling your mother how thankful you are when she used to have you in her womb.
Brainstorm and collect. Go online window shopping to check out baby stuff so you can be prepared which to buy when the budget comes. Coming up with baby names can be fun and a bit confusing. Ask family members and friends to help you decide on your baby’s name. Hone that storytelling talent of yours. No matter how young your baby is you can read stories. Decide on titles that are appropriate for every age. You can swap books with other moms or order online.

Spend quality time with the other children. Even with limited mobility, you can do several things together. Take naps, have a movie marathon, enjoy breakfast in bed, among other things. Just dont’t make the significant other feel left out, though.

Play games or create a new one. Invite a few friends over and have fun with games, no matter how silly it may seem. Create games which you can play considering your condition. No losers or winners, this isn’t for serious playing, simply for F-you-N.

Go melodramatic. While pregnancy can be exciting, it is normal to feel overwhelmed once in awhile. So cry if you want to, it’s all right. You can find support either online or offline. Be open to your family and friends, they are more than willing to give you encouragement. Stressing yourself is not good for you and your baby.