MummySG’s Supermom of The Month: Gina Chua


When I first saw Gina’s pictures attached to her interview file, I was astounded! I thought I was looking at a TV star: very pretty, with flawless skin, almond eyes and a very charming impression. But Gina is not only pleasing to the sight, she is also a woman of substance. She owns Cake Story (contacts found below), an online bakeshop that does not only produce pleasing-to-the-sight delights but also very gastronomically-satisfying cupcakes, cookies and cakes!

Gina just turned 30 last April 6 but she already achieved a handful. Very impressive at a young age. Her hobbies are not only limited to baking because she also loves to go on a holiday, see movies, go shopping and hang out with her husband and kids.

And above everything, Gina is a wonderful wife and mother! Here is another inspiring story of a supermom. Read this to inspire you, too!

Are you a working mother or stay-at-home mothers?

I am both a business owner and stay-at-home mother.

What influenced your decision to work/stay at home?

In this way I am able to strike a balance between work and my kids. I work from home most of the time and will go to my cake shop to oversee occasionally.

My sis in law and I own a cake shop Cake Story in Blk 194 Kim Keat Ave selling cupcakes, agar agar cake and jelly cheese cake. Our main target customers are children.

I have 2 kids age 4 and 6. I will ferry them to and fro from school & enrichment classes everyday.

What sacrifices did/do you have to make to work/stay at home?

I am happy with what I am doing right now. My husband has been a wonderful support. He provides for all our financial needs. In this way, I can concentrate taking care of my kids and at the same time start my own business.

Do you feel that your child is missing out on anything because you work/stay at home?

I usually work when the kids are at school or when they are sleeping. In this way, I can both work and cater to my children’s needs at the same time.

How do you think your relationship with your child would differ if you worked/stayed at home?

If I work full time, I will have much less time for my kids. By working from home, the bond between me and my kids are very strong. They are all very attached to me.

What would be you ideal situation (stay home, work part-time, work full-time)?

I think my current situation is ideal.

How do you view mothers who work/stay at home?

All mothers are great be it full time working mums or stay at home mums. Whichever decision they choose, they must have taken into consideration the best for their children.

What advice would you give to a parent who is struggling with the decision to work or stay home?

I guess the first consideration would be the family’s financial situation.

Have you ever or will you join any baby/toddler classes?

Yes both my kids started playgroup from the age of 15 months. Since 15 months, they have attended many classes.

What skills do you think your child could/has gained from these types of classes?

Both my kids are not so shy in front of strangers. They can mix well with their peers in school and the problem of separation anxiety does not exist when I bring them for new classes. Recently, my 4 year old girl requested on her own to join a ballet class. And she adapted very well on the first lesson.

11. What is the best piece of advice that you can give to all mums out there who do like you do?

Do not compare yourself with other mums. To your kids, you are always the best mother in their eyes. Be proud of yourself and what you have done for them.

As told to MummySG


You can check out Gina’s creations on the following links:

Or visit them at:

Blk 194 kim keat ave #01-402 s310194



Every month, will be featuring a supermom. Should you have any mom in mind, kindly send an email to: and we will contact you promptly.