The Wife’s Guide to Keeping His Eye


We all want our husbands to be glad they’re married to us. So think about these tips and see if one or two could help your husband see you as the woman he fell in love with.

1. What caught his attention?I have friends who have dynamic personalities, and their husbands love them for it! That’s what drew them in, when they first met. So if he fell for your bubbly personality, try to be that girl when you can. Of course, real life can burst your bubbliness on hard days, but don’t lose it entirely.

2. Pay attention to his likes and dislikes.Some men find longer hair feminine and super-attractive. Others love the look of a woman in sporty athletic gear. If you’re not sure what your guy finds appealing, just ask. Similarly, if you’ve always had a certain look, run it by him before you plop down in the hair stylist’s chair to go in a radical new direction. You may be surprised by what you learn! And, wouldn’t you want him to check in with you before he went Goth or shaved off the ‘stache you love?

3. Five o’clock fix-up.My husband is a dentist and deals with a lot of bad breath during his day. The last thing I want is for him to come home, lean in for a kiss, and be reminded of the patient who missed a few meetings with his toothbrush! So before you and your husband reconnect at the end of a long day, put your best foot forward. Try to find a bit of energy to reunite with cheerfulness, and don’t underestimate the power of mouthwash!

4. Maintain your health.Okay, we’re moms, too, and we know how hard this can be through several rounds of childbirth and slowing metabolism. But staying close to a healthy weight is the goal. And yes, we agree that he should love you at any size. But staying at a healthy weight is a win for you, for him, and for your family as a whole. I’ve been super heavy before, and I just wasn’t healthy. I was also that mom at the park who couldn’t keep up with her kids. That made me sad, and not very good company for my husband, or my kids.

5. Don’t give up on fashion.It seems that a lot of moms get into mom-mode and forget everything they ever knew about up to date dressing. Admittedly, you don’t have endless hours to peruse fashion magazines and haunt the malls like you did as a single girl, but you can put a little effort into pulling together an age-appropriate look. And, back to item 2 on our list, know what your husband likes. I bought a few hippie fashions before my husband commented one day that he didn’t really like that look! Yes, dress for yourself, but try to keep your husband’s fashion sense in mind too. If he doesn’t have one, lucky you!

The original version of this article is written for iMom.

“MummySG, where every Mum is awesome.”