MummySG’s Supermom of the Month: Irene Soh


Juggling motherhood and career is also nothing new to the newest addition to our league of Supermom. With all the gigs and everything that make her busy, this exceptional mum does not only have the beauty (to flaunt), but a beauty that thrives on having a good character and value to education.

Meet Irene Soh. A former flight attendant, but now lives passionately as a makeup artist for Makeup Artist Singapore, a mummy-blogger of the Singapore Mom Blogs, and most importantly, a loving wife to husband Kitson and an awesome Mum of three.

Mummy Irene is a true believer that ,”Good Character is more important than Competence,” that is the reason why as a family, they volunteer extensively. Both in schools and in the community.

In her meaningful words she added, “Being a mom has not inhibited my hunger for education. I believe in constantly learning new things. Other than being professionally trained as a makeup artist and Hair stylist, I’ve also taken up courses on long term investment, trading, and Search Engine Optimisation. Along the way of being mom also picked up some important skills like cooking, baking, sewing and crocheting.

And as the last quarter of the year looms ahead, MummySG would like to give you one of the most exceptional mothers we have yet to interview, and find her take on being a parent to her wonderful kids, Hiroshi (8), Sophia (6) and James (1), amusing and really inspiring. Check out her answers below.

1. Are you a working mother or stay-at-home mother?
2. What influenced your decision to work/stay at home?I was hunting for an infant care after I delivered my first born. After visiting several infant care centres, it suddenly dawn on me that I am the best care giver for my child. So I resigned and took care of him 24/7.
3. What sacrifices did/do you have to make to work/stay at home?Other than surviving on a single steady income, I don’t think we’ve done much sacrifices for the decision to stay at home.
4. Do you feel that your child is missing out on anything because you work/stay at home?No.
5. How do you think your relationship with your child would differ if you worked/stayed at home?Other than the lack of time and sleep, I don’t think our relationship would have differed greatly. Moms are super hero in the closet! They will always make the BEST out of a situation.
6. What would be you ideal situation (stay home, work part-time, work full-time)?Stay-at-home-mom with Passive Income
7. How do you view mothers who work/stay at home?I find them admirable. After all, it is not easy juggling work, marriage, kids, home and personal growth all at once.
8. What advice would you give to a parent who is struggling with the decision to work or stay home?The first step to change is always the hardest. Discuss and plan thoroughly with your partner. Take courage to take the first step and the rest will fall in place. That has always my mantra in life.
9. Have you ever or will you join any baby/toddler classes?Yes
10. What skills do you think your child could/has gained from these types of classes?Social skills of being able to interact with kids his/her age.
11. Being a mother, what other skills would you like to master?Patience. Trust me. Kids will press your every button!
12. What’s the one thing you would have done differently as a mum (in terms of raising your kids and running the household)?In order to learn the value of money and delay gratification, kids are only allowed to buy toys on their birthdays and Christmas. If they wanted anything other than their “entitlements” they would have to work for it and fork out their own money for it.(
13. What is the best piece of advice that you can give to all mums out there who do like you do? Do not let pride, face and ego inhabit you from learning. Everything is possible!

As told to MummySG.

“MummySG, where every Mum is awesome.”