Total breastfeeding mommies


Who's currently giving only breastmilk - direct latch-on or expressed breastmilk (ebm) to your babies/ toddlers as at today? Strictly no FM.
I'll start off..... ;)

1. sleepymama - for 14+ months


Active Member
Who's currently giving only breastmilk - direct latch-on or expressed breastmilk (ebm) to your babies/ toddlers as at today? Strictly no FM.
I'll start off..... ;)

1. sleepymama - for 14+ months
jiayou jiayou!! veri gd wor:Dancing_tongue::Dancing_tongue: i cant stand e pain so i stop after 2 wks like dat

mommy dearest

New Member
Me too! my baby girl is 5 months now. A question to mommies out there.
How do you think a new employer will take the idea of a new employee wanting to maintain breastfeeding when she's about to join?
do you think they'll be like, ok, better choose another candidate (as i will be expressing twice during office hour), or will them be tolerant about it??
so wasted if i stop bf just because of a change in career right???


1. sleepymama - for 14+ months
2. stonston - for 7+ months

3. little_twin-stars
4. mommy dearest - for 5+ months

Thanks xiaodaisy! :)

Hi mommy dearest, some employers are supportive of breastfeeding but not all. Hopefully yours is like mine who's giving me the leeway to pump twice a day. Else gotta find ways like pumping during lunch/tea breaks or working slightly longer to cover the time spent in pumping - ensuring work is not affected due to pumping. All the best :)


1. sleepymama - for 14+ months
2. stonston - for 7+ months

3. little_twin-stars
4. mommy dearest - for 5+ months

Thanks xiaodaisy! :)

Hi mommy dearest, some employers are supportive of breastfeeding but not all. Hopefully yours is like mine who's giving me the leeway to pump twice a day. Else gotta find ways like pumping during lunch/tea breaks or working slightly longer to cover the time spent in pumping - ensuring work is not affected due to pumping. All the best :)


New Member
1. sleepymama - for 14+ months
2. stonston - for 7+ months

3. little_twin-stars
4. mommy dearest - for 5+ months
5. jlimdan - for 8+ months and my elder one still drink my bm.

Has been breastfeeding for the past 8+ months and elder one still drink bm as well. Not considered tandem lah.. Enjoys it but very siong though as my little one always wants to latch on the whole night through. He is with the babysitter during the day. I have no choice as he will start screaming and shouting if I don't allow him to. But.... also good as it helps me to lose weight very very fast. Back to pre-preggy weight and all my clothes can fit. No need to waste money to get more clothings :tlaugh:


1. sleepymama - for 14+ months
2. stonston - for 7+ months

3. little_twin-stars
4. mommy dearest - for 5+ months
5. jlimdan - for 8+ months and my elder one still drink my bm.
6. dendenmushi - 14 mths


Hi jlimdan
My boy too, now 15mths, still wanna latch on at night! One time a few months ago, he refused to latch on for a couple of nights and I was so sad and worried that he was self-weaning! Although I miss sleeping thru, it's ironical I still want to bf him! I enjoy bfdg my bb!

He won't latch on during the day when awake - too many distractions for an inquisitive baby! :tlaugh:


Me too! my baby girl is 5 months now. A question to mommies out there.
How do you think a new employer will take the idea of a new employee wanting to maintain breastfeeding when she's about to join?
do you think they'll be like, ok, better choose another candidate (as i will be expressing twice during office hour), or will them be tolerant about it??
so wasted if i stop bf just because of a change in career right???
I'm still expressing 3x daily @ work. I express secretly for 2 weeks upon after I returned to work then after thinking twice, thought it's only out of courtesy that I inform my boss about what I'm doing for my bb(since my desk heavy traffic. What if big boss walk by & ask why I'm always not at my desk?!)

I walked into my boss's office & explain that I still want to continue to breastfeed my son. I told him that I need about 1.5 hrs at work daily to express BM for DS. I told him that I can also work OT on Sats but dont claim OT. He said he's fine with it as long as I can finish my work. He dont mind(Our company very particular about health). He dont believe a worker can sit through 8 hours at his does & does nothing BUT work!

That's how I "survived" expressing to date!:Dancing_wub:

In fact, mummy's expressing @ work is more efficient. :tlaugh:


1. sleepymama - for 14+ months
2. stonston - for 7+ months

3. little_twin-stars
4. mommy dearest - for 5+ months
5. jlimdan - for 8+ months and my elder one still drink my bm.
6. dendenmushi - 14 mths

7. elaine01 - 21 mths & going..........


BMSG Moderator
kudos to all you mummies! you're doing what's best for your little darlings!

i wish i could say i'm part of your group but my last nursling also takes fm ...


BMSG Moderator
1. sleepymama - for 14+ months
2. stonston - for 7+ months

3. little_twin-stars
4. mommy dearest - for 5+ months
5. jlimdan - for 8+ months and my elder one still drink my bm.
6. dendenmushi - 14 mths
7. elaine01 - 21 mths & going..........
8. bluechin - still bfg 4 yo Javier and 2 yo Janelle. dunno when they will stop


BMSG Moderator
kudos to all you mummies! you're doing what's best for your little darlings!

i wish i could say i'm part of your group but my last nursling also takes fm ...
Jo, but you also breastfeed long term what.... can just join in but elaborate. :)


BMSG Moderator
well, been breastfeeding non-stop since Nov 13 2001. Nursed 3 kids... the youngest being 2yr 2mths now. He's drinking fm cos he see his Jie Jie drinking. Doesn't really need it I think. Nurses as often as I'd let him and enjoys it always. :)

Longest non-fm nursing relationship so far - 5 years 2 mths. (he did have 1 day of fm when he was born but that was KK's fault!) :D


New Member
Hi elaine01,

I am new to this forum.

Since you have been breastfeeding for 21 months now, how long do you take to pump per session at work.

How much does your baby take per feed and how many times a day.