young malay mums, lets meet over here!! - 28 Feb 2010 and earlier posts ~~

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Mama Ina

Well-Known Member
Gooooooooooood morning ladies!!

Im feeling much better today. Hubby came home early yesterday, just to jaga lil putri and massaged me. The pain dah takde and so is the blood. :)
Su, how are u? Dah gi doc blum???

aku baru terpikir tadi...skali officer tu gay habis lahhh hubby kau...wakakakak!!
Gay takpe jangan betina lain noh.. haahahaaaaa

Company's party or company's dinner? For how many ppl? Budget per person??
Company's party or dinner sama lah.. We target 55people lah.. NO BUDGET!! Aku dah cakap dgn bapak ku ni.. Nak aku buat jangan kasi ku budget2 eh.. Let me anyhow order.. Yang penting everyone kenyang.. hahahahahaaaa


Active Member
Su, how are you? Dah gi doc blum???

Gay takpe jangan betina lain noh.. haahahaaaaa

Company's party or dinner sama .. We target 55people .. NO BUDGET!! Aku dah cakap dgn bapak ku ni.. Nak aku buat jangan kasi ku budget2 eh.. Let me anyhow order.. Yang penting everyone kenyang.. hahahahahaaaa
NO BUDGET??? I LOIKE!!!:Dancing_tongue:


Active Member
Su, how are you? Dah gi doc blum???

Gay takpe jangan betina lain noh.. haahahaaaaa

Company's party or dinner sama .. We target 55people .. NO BUDGET!! Aku dah cakap dgn bapak ku ni.. Nak aku buat jangan kasi ku budget2 eh.. Let me anyhow order.. Yang penting everyone kenyang.. hahahahahaaaa
Wahhhh!! No budget?? I oso loike!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
Ina & Diana: I tak gi jumpa doc.. i tahan aje coz the blood was getting lesser so i think it should be ok. Lagipun, my baby in me so active so insyallah, nothing happened.


Active Member
Wahhhh!! No budget?? I also loike!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
Ina & Diana: I tak gi jumpa doc.. i tahan aje coz the blood was getting lesser so i think it should be ok. Lagipun, my baby in me so active so insyallah, nothing happened.
hopefully things will be fine for both u n ur baby...

Mama Ina

Well-Known Member
Wahhhh!! No budget?? I also loike!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
Ina & Diana: I tak gi jumpa doc.. i tahan aje coz the blood was getting lesser so i think it should be ok. Lagipun, my baby in me so active so insyallah, nothing happened.
Yup, praying for u bebz.. Don't worry..

Mesti lah tak yah nak budget2.. Ni kan once a year nye party so tak leh kedekut.. Lagi some mintak OLD CHANG KEE + satay.. But me may order from Rasel Catering $18 per head.. Since our staff ard 50pax i order je 55pax.. Biar banyak not lesser.. Tak habis leh tahpao mah.. I tout nak cari lain nye catering cos last year i try Rasel Catering.. Cam gini leceh nah kan terpaksa ar jus choose Rasel..


Well-Known Member
mane si Ana/Enflor & the other ilang..?? smuer holiday kah..??

haiz.. aku ngah mendak nie.. keje umah smuer da abes buat.. da boleh rilek2 + tdo.. lagi keje cuaca gerek nie.. hehe.. :001_302:

Mama Ina

Well-Known Member
mane si Ana/Enflor & the other ilang..?? smuer holiday kah..??

sigh.. aku ngah mendak nie.. keje umah smuer da abes buat.. da boleh rilek2 + tdo.. lagi keje cuaca gerek nie.. hehe.. :001_302:
Seronok kan cuaca hari ni.. Ku kua gi shengshiong hujan punya lah lebat.. Dlm kreta ku lepak je.. Kawan ku suruh turun aku step tidur.. haahaahaa... Geram nOh.. Time ku amek off mesti terang menerang..

Main lah game kau jangan tak main.. Boss ku pun dah alek ni.. WUuuuuuHhoooooo!!! Ku leh main game jugak YEAH!!


Well-Known Member
yoohoo i am back frm visiting my sis, bestnya tengok bbies kat nursery and bau babies geram sangat. If only.....

My sis bb only 2.8kg and so comel loteh gitu not like my kids satu satu mcm giant gitu.

Oh, i didn't know C-sec that fast huh ? But my sis so nervous rabakz b4 kena wheeled into operation theatre, menangis dia. But leceh sih tengok dia terbaring gitu kat katil after the operation the whole day smalam mcm less mobile coz of the wound. at least natural birth lincah jugak eh turun naik katil and angkat bb. First time for my mum to jaga someone kena C-sec, my mum pun nervous jugak nak jaga dia coz X-tra care needed.


Well-Known Member
Su - I terbaca your earlier post...that blood u kena, thatz considered spotting kan ? glad, that u r feeling ok now. Take care....itu perut u kena pakai shield sih so if Putri karate lagi, bb tak terkejut.


Well-Known Member
Oh, Rhay pun kat East Shore eh ? So kecik lah itu hospital, koridor dia pun , jalan kena excuse me, excuse me. Parking space pun limited.


Active Member
yoohoo i am back frm visiting my sis, bestnya tengok bbies kat nursery and bau babies geram sangat. If only.....

My sis baby only 2.8kg and so comel loteh gitu not like my kids satu satu mcm giant gitu.

Oh, i didn't know C-sec that fast huh ? But my sis so nervous rabakz before kena wheeled into operation theatre, menangis dia. But leceh sih tengok dia terbaring gitu kat katil after the operation the whole day smalam mcm less mobile coz of the wound. at least natural birth lincah jugak eh turun naik katil and angkat baby. First time for my mum to jaga someone kena C-sec, my mum pun nervous jugak nak jaga dia coz X-tra care needed.
Memang leceh kalau kena c-section. Harap2 i tak kena lagi. Eh eh... time i kena c-section pun i nangis mcm nak rak sey!!! My hubby sampai baring kat katil, pujuk i. After 24hrs of labour, sekali doc cakap kena c-section... fuuyooo... punya lah sedih and SERAM!!!

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Active Member
Su - I terbaca your earlier post...that blood you kena, thatz considered spotting kan ? glad, that you are feeling ok now. Take care....itu perut you kena pakai shield sih so if Putri karate lagi, baby tak terkejut.
Not spotting but called up my gynae and he said my placenta punya problem. Mmg beginning doc cakap my placenta kurang air but since the blood dah takde and pain dah takde... baby still kicking strongly, he said i shouldnt be kanchiong. :)

Shield ehhh?? I think must pakai lah. Dah berapa kali i kena. Kesian si kecik kat dalam. Everytime my hubby main2 dgn si putri (sampai terpekik2), yang kat dalam ni pun tendang2. My mom kata dia nak join. Hahahaha!!!

Happy birthday, Diana!!!!


Well-Known Member
Memang leceh kalau kena c-section. Harap2 i tak kena lagi. Eh eh... time i kena c-section pun i nangis mcm nak rak sey!!! My hubby sampai baring kat katil, pujuk i. After 24hrs of labour, sekali doc cakap kena c-section... fuuyooo... punya sedih and SERAM!!!

Alamak...dah labour pain, then anxiety over C-sec and the aftercare lagi, memang FuYOOOOOH! Kalo i pengsan oredi. At least, my sis siang2 her gynae dah cakap natural birth cannot. So she tak rasa lah all the labour pain.

Harap2 u tak kena C-sec lahh Su, coz u nak kena jaga Putri and bb lagi....dah dua kenit oredi tau.

I am reading this novel abt this character dia pregnant, ada pre-eclampsia...skit lebih kurang mcm tu lah spelling dia. Apa benda eh tu ? I blum google to find out about the condition. But the character kena warded kat hospital for 3-4 mths till dia gives birth. Teruk kan kalo kena case gitu.


Well-Known Member
Memang leceh kalau kena c-section. Harap2 i tak kena lagi. Eh eh... time i kena c-section pun i nangis mcm nak rak sey!!! My hubby sampai baring kat katil, pujuk i. After 24hrs of labour, sekali doc cakap kena c-section... fuuyooo... punya sedih and SERAM!!!

Biar betik, your BOSS pun baring kat katil skali..... :tlaugh:alahai, nurse tengok, ini dua betulnya lomantik couple...hehehe. Yah, but seriously C-sec ke, natural ke, spouse kalo takda by the side, mcm sure sedih sangat kan. I can't imagine yang those single women nak have bb, how do they go thru with it all alone ? Wonder if parent or friend can accompany them throughout the delivery process.
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