young malay mums, lets meet over here!! - 28 Feb 2010 and earlier posts ~~

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Mama Ina

Well-Known Member

Today very sleepy lah.. Everyone start to clear leaves and i dont understand why i dont get a chance to clear my leave seh????? Haiz..!!!
:embarrassed: :embarrassed: :embarrassed:

Mama Ina

Well-Known Member
wah.. kecoh smuer ckp pasal giving birth.. alamak.. buat i terpk sey psal nk give birth.. i'm still wondering.. mcm mane rase saket nye eh nanti klau i give birth to the 2nd one..?? coz the 1st one i pkai epi.. so i tak rase saket langsung.. siap boleh ketawe ngan tgk cartoOn lagi.. hahaha.. :tlaugh:

sakit sgt tk eh..?? i takot lahh.. haha.. belom ngandong, da rase takot2.. argh..!! :elvis: coz i'm plannin' not to tak epi for the 2nd one.. pasal takot the bad side effects bile ari tua nanti..
Senang je bebz.. Kau sedut tu oxygen je so kau tak rasa kesakitan sangat.. hahahahahahaaaa...

Mama Ina

Well-Known Member




No more time to FLY lor.. Morning liao.....


Well-Known Member
Morning smua..ari ni, dapur kena berasap. BOSS balik jap lagi and Enflor pun dah naik lemak, dah lama tak masak betul2. B4 BOSS sound, i'd beta stuff his mouth.

Tapi nak masak apa hek ???? One special dish sikit i guess.


Well-Known Member
Can't be too long in here coz nak gi pasar, siapkan kids ngaji later, masak and when the CAT is in the house, The MOUSE has to be under the radar....that means less forumming. :001_302:


Well-Known Member
alamak, ari ni nak jumpa Nur blum confirm pun ngan dia. Nur kalo terbaca ni, later i get back to u eh, still waiting for BOSS to gimme a call what time dia nak balik and i gotta settle kitchen duty dulu.


Well-Known Member

Today very sleepy .. Everyone start to clear leaves and i dont understand why i dont get a chance to clear my leave seh????? sigh..!!!
:embarrassed: :embarrassed: :embarrassed:

Hai blum X-mas, jgn lahh clearkan X-mas tree leaves....hahaha

Apasal susah sangat ? Mak nenek tak kasi ke ? Itu leave kalo tak approved, will your company kasi convert the cuti in cash. But most companies usually, dorang encouraged staff to clear them cash is a LOSS.


Well-Known Member
wah.. kecoh smuer ckp pasal giving birth.. alamak.. buat i terpk sey psal nk give birth.. i'm still wondering.. mcm mane rase saket nye eh nanti klau i give birth to the 2nd one..?? coz the 1st one i pkai epi.. so i tak rase saket langsung.. siap boleh ketawe ngan tgk cartoOn lagi.. hahaha.. :tlaugh:

I am not the type who likes to boast. But the only thing which i am proud to SHOUT and TELL the whole world is - LOOK, I CAN ENDURE THE LABOUR PAIN W/O EPI. (although during the last 2 processes my body felt shitty and i cursed the doctors and nurses for depriving me of epi or lacked of epi :001_302:)

Yup try go w/o epi for the last one. I strongly encouraged u if it does not pose danger to bb and yourself.


Active Member
I am not the type who likes to boast. But the only thing which i am proud to SHOUT and TELL the whole world is - LOOK, I CAN ENDURE THE LABOUR PAIN W/O EPI. (although during the last 2 processes my body felt shitty and i cursed the doctors and nurses for depriving me of epi or lacked of epi :001_302:)

Yup try go w/o epi for the last one. I strongly encouraged you if it does not pose danger to baby and yourself. too...
sakit lahh but tried my best not to use epi...:Dancing_wub:



Active Member
Senang je bebz.. Kau sedut tu oxygen je so kau tak rasa kesakitan sangat.. hahahahahahaaaa...
tu epidural punye jarum aku tgk kat tv sikit punye besar aku yg seram...
furthermore i heard that any mishap during the injection could cause it??


Active Member
Not spotting but called up my gynae and he said my placenta punya problem. Mmg beginning doc cakap my placenta kurang air but since the blood dah takde and pain dah takde... baby still kicking strongly, he said i shouldnt be kanchiong. :)

Shield ehhh?? I think must pakai . Dah berapa kali i kena. Kesian si kecik kat dalam. Everytime my hubby main2 dgn si putri (sampai terpekik2), yang kat dalam ni pun tendang2. My mom kata dia nak join. Hahahaha!!!

Happy birthday, Diana!!!!
Thank you Su!:001_302:


Active Member
Alamak ni minah, tak abis abis dengan crita hantu :tlaugh: Agaknya nurses tengok you meneran and pushing tu, Ina yang macm hantu rupanya.

Oh, tadi ada satu mum ni dia dahh nak discharged , i hung out near lift area. Wah, skali dia keluar, glamer sih, dengan muka dia fully make-up tau, siap ada eye-shadow, blusher, false eyelashes. Berseri betul! Dulu, i kluar hospital, muka serabai jek, tak kuasa coz jalan terkepit2 still mcm geisha. :001_302:
hahaha...tu kompom jenis won't go out without make up....
i pon tak kuasa nak dress up ni sumer...da lahhh masih sakit jalan kepit2...
lagipon masok kete trus balik rumah pe...
tak tau lahh kalau dat lady discharge trus nak gi shopping mane2 ke..
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