young malay mums, lets meet over here!! - 28 Feb 2010 and earlier posts ~~

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Mama Ina

Well-Known Member
Layan jek games tu.....kasi champion. Nak challenge Cancan Mum ke ? Dia game queen kat sini.
Hahahaaa.. Tak brani lah.. Dia memang champion gila nye...

Hai blum X-mas, jgn lahh clearkan X-mas tree leaves....hahaha

Apasal susah sangat ? Mak nenek tak kasi ke ? Itu leave kalo tak approved, will your company kasi convert the cuti in cash. But most companies usually, dorang encouraged staff to clear them cash is a LOSS.
Yah, they encouraged to clear.. Most staff here except me ada too many leaves from previous year so dorang dah start amek lah ni.. For me yg leaves i ada this year nye lah.. heeheheeheee..

Yup try go w/o epi for the last one. I strongly encouraged you if it does not pose danger to baby and yourself.
Yeah!! Both my pregnancy time i too w/out epi... Hahahahahaaaa.. Alhamdulilah both easy labour.. Normali yang rasa sakit pun bila part jarum je.. Yang lain ok ok lah.. Cos i sedut tu oxgen kuat2 sampai tak ingat pun pain or no...

Mama Ina

Well-Known Member
Morning mummies...

hah aku ada kat sini....:001_302:
Aku 1st pat sini tau.. :wong23:

tu epidural punye jarum aku tgk kat tv sikit punye besar aku yg seram...
furthermore i heard that any mishap during the injection could cause it??
Ntah eh.. Ku penah tau masa 1st nak branak ku tanya satu makcik ni yg helper pat labour ward tu.. Ku ask lah pasal epi tu abt shud i take or not kan, makai!! step gila seh makcik tua tu.. She say she can't comment on that ni smua up to u nak ke tanak..

aik?? aku sorang je ke kat sini??
mane yg lain??
Aku ada ni cuma di tempat lain je.. hahahaaaa


Well-Known Member

Ape ne pagi2 crite epidural...Seram noh aku dgr...I pun tk berani..Tgk jarum jek Aku dah segan...heheh

ALhamdulilah,1st one i tk amek any injection to ease the pain..Only Oxygen.....Insya allah Klau bersalin lagi,i try my best...heheh

Nari klau tak hujan nak ajak bdk2 gi swimming or botanic garden...

Enflor,i ne pun ngan pening nak masak ape seh...

Mama Ina

Well-Known Member


Kepala ku nak pecah ni... Anyone can recommend me food catering???? Need it urgently.. COs most catering dorang cuma kasi XMAS Buffet je.. Aku lak will do the event on xmas eve which is 24th Dec.. I prefer makanannye not western lah... How???


Well-Known Member
Senang je bebz.. Kau sedut tu oxygen je so kau tak rasa kesakitan sangat.. hahahahahahaaaa...

tat time sebelom aku ade amek epi.. aku sedut tu gas.. tapi tk jalan.. kepale aku pening rabak mcm steam 'su' sey.. (ko tau kan ape maksod aku...??) tk best uh rase mcm tu.. den rase mcm nk muntah.. tros laki aku yang urge aku amek epi.. sbb dia nk gi solat jumaat.. (cekik darah btol..) hahaa.. :tlaugh: masa aku amek epi tu, aku tk rase takot walaupon aku nmpk jarum dia punya lahh BESAR..!!! hahaha.. sbb da tk tahan saket..

okok.. akan ku cuba untuk go normal birth w/o epi in time to come..



Well-Known Member

aniwae Su, u boleh try NVD klau everiting ok.. coz my SIL pon tat time 1st delivery was c-sect.. den 2nd one she went for NVD.. alhamdulillah smuernye ok..


Well-Known Member
nari dapor tk berasap.. coz tdi pagi BOSS baru alek.. tdo jap.. tk tahan ngantok from yesterday's standby.. den nari standby lagi.. tk alek umah lagi.. tros alek ofis nanti.. so aku makan sorang, tkya lahh nk masak..


aniwae Su, you boleh try NVD klau everiting ok.. coz my sister In law pon that time 1st delivery was c-sect.. then 2nd one she went for NVD.. alhamdulillah smuernye ok..
NVD tuh aper?? *blur*

i cuma tau VBAC jer :001_302:

Mama Ina

Well-Known Member
Ina-Ko try ISS Catering
Dah try dah.. We normally go for Rasel catering ni tadi ku try ISS catering..Call em, dorg pun sama tak serve normal buffet.. Aku at 1st memang happy tgk ISS catering cos their dishes not bad a bit more than Rasel.. But then same also they only serve xmas buffet.. Haiz..!!!!

that time sebelom aku ade amek epi.. aku sedut tu gas.. tapi tk jalan.. kepale aku pening rabak mcm steam 'su' sey.. (ko tau kan ape maksod aku...??)
Haahaaaa... Tu yang seronok.. Ku sedut betol nye sedut bebz.. Sampai dorang bebual pun aku blur.. Till doc cakap stop using oxygen aku gengam tu oxy seh tak kasi dorang amek sampai lah 100% bwh tu dorg dah clear kan aru ku bukak...

NVD tuh aper?? *blur*

i cuma tau VBAC jer :001_302:
Sesungguhnye ku tak penah dengar NVD or VBAC ni smua....


Well-Known Member
haha.. aku tkle tahan uh rase 'su' dia.. rabak xiol.. aku benci bila part rase nk muntah.. maybe klau next tym aku ngandong lagi, aku tknk mkn bnyk2.. jadi bb kecik.. den senang bersalin.. hahaha.. :tlaugh: time 1st pregnancy aku, Annur besar sey.. he's born at 3.33kg.. saket dok..

kawan aku ade ajar aku, next time klau aku bersalin.. dia suroh aku mintak bowl of ice cubes.. kunyah ice.. jadi tk rase brape saket.. dia buat mcm tu for her 1st 2 pregnancy.. den her last(3rd) pregnancy.. dia branak kt umah.. hahaha.. kecoh giler sak tu.. tk sempat nk gi doctor.. dia teran sendiri.. anak fomfan dia da klua, baru paramedic smp umah... khakhakhkha.. :001_302: dia lagi hero sey.. umor baru 18 tahun.. :shyxxx:


Well-Known Member
masih bebual pasal birth lagi..Oh tidaaakkkk....Aku ngeri bila terkenang kan time give birth....the pain jgn lah ckp...


Well-Known Member
masih bebual pasal birth lagi..Oh tidaaakkkk....Aku ngeri bila terkenang kan time give birth....the pain jgn ckp...

wakakaka.. hehe.. ok pe bual pasal giving birth.. nanti ko sangkut lagi.. ko pon nk kene go thru the pains lagi pe.. hehehe.. :001_302:

okok.. kita bual pasal lain uh.. hehe.. ehk, next yr outing gi mane korang..? sape nk plan plak kali nie..?



Well-Known Member
yoo hoo Queen Bees, lunch apa ?

And beautiful BUTTERFLIES (Ina, FYI, kita kita ni smua dah tak nak ngan title houseflies lagi hek, sila amik perhatian :001_302:) masak apa ?

Enflor w.i.p jap lagi abis.

- Sup ikan for the kids,
- Udang BBQ
- Ikan Kukus untuk cik abang sakit. (still in the kukus)

(Ari ni smua kira bedal seafud)
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