EDD Aug 2011

You girls wun believe wad is happening now.....I AM GOING TO THE HOSPITAL....weird mentural cramps and like 10 braxton hick contracitons in 1 hour..i called my gynae he asked me to go down NOW. omg....


jiayou Evangeline89!

last night was really weird. my little one isnt as active as always... normally shes VERY active! T_T but each time i wake up and put my hand will have a slight thump to tell me shes ok.. i cant wait to see the doc on thurs ><~


New Member
Evangeline: u ok? Update us soon yar? Have complete bed rest if necessary.

Baby clothes: think I'll ask my maid to hand wash in end July, my EDD is early Aug!


Glutton: My EDD is also in early August. I am delivering in KKH. Kekekekeee...

But I am v lazy, haven't wash the bb's stuff/clothes yet. Yet to buy diapers too...Waiting for my hubby to take leave in June then we go bb shopping together.

Evangeline: Are you ok???? One of my friend also like that, got early contractions but I think after a jab it should be better.



You girls wun believe wad is happening now.....I AM GOING TO THE HOSPITAL....weird mentural cramps and like 10 braxton hick contracitons in 1 hour..i called my gynae he asked me to go down NOW. omg....
Hey gal, hope all is well with you. Please keep us posted


mummies.. i have no idea which brand diapers to get for my little one. i read somewhere that we should prepare 150pcs for the first 2 weeks at least.. but i keep putting off the idea of buying now because i scared my little one got golden butt with all the allergies etc.

which brands have you all prepared or going to prepare?


Hope you and baby are alright Evangeline ...

gonna prepare pampers for her ... But to b on the safe side, if baby has no side effects and comfy with the diapers used in hospital, that would b a better choice


Is this the Philips Avent Breast Pump Conversion Kit that we need to buy if we are using Medela???

Any exp mummies know?



I went to surf around, seems like Pampers and Mammy Poko are popular brands around. If there are mummies like me, blur sotong, hope to share share this info with you.

I saw G-market sells diapers and seems cheaper. MTBs can check it out.

Maternity pads:
Which brands are you guys buying. I heard Kotex is terrible..not soft enuff? I like those soft type...(I dun like whisper, with plastic top) Can recommend/how much?

Disposable Panty:
I heard some mummies saying we can buy disposable panty which is easier for us. Are you mummies getting. If yes, which brand are you guys getting, and how much?


Crazycat: How much is the goon diapers for NB/S? Can share the pricing.

Instead of lugging all these diapers back, I have decided to make use of delivery service. Hahahaha.

If you dont want to buy so soon, you can order when you are in hospital and they only take 1 day to deliver!!!! Fast and efficient. And you no need to carry heavy diapers home to collect dust so soon. Another option for MTBs, just sharing. :001_302::001_302:

Diapers Diapers.com.sg Pte Ltd*::*Japan Domestic Diapers/Pants Delivery service available
Diapers Nepia Diaper Delivery Service Delivery service available

hey sorry for the late reply... have been busy~ >.<" I forgotten the price leh... I'm now checkin out diaper price @ ntuc then @ gmarket... after that will compare at the baby expo and decide where to buy .... =)

Hope everything is well~ take care oh.... rest rest rest~


jess... not to worry... my boy have been gentle to me... used to do kung fu... *but being mummy also weird... he kungfu, i pain and ask him be gentle... now he gentle i worry... i rather he do kungfu~ >.<"


thanks crazycat! :) today nearly zero movement! even daddy taptap also no kick.. i nearly cried out.. then after a nap and lunch she's back to active pig like tt...
haha i think we all mummies are like that. sometimes just wish got the ultrascan machine at home to make sure they're ok... especially with all that story with the umbilical cord round neck worries us alot


I'm in my 30 weeks now... I almost every day have sleepless night... :( the next day still got to wake up early to work.. Tiring... How I wish baby come out earlier... So that can have ML .. How u gals cope with this ? Take mc to have rest ?


JocelynYL.. ive been having sleepless nights since 27 weeks.. worse thing my hubby also light sleeper i roll he roll.. :( cant really sleep on my side but sleeping on my back leaves me backaches.. sigh


thanks crazycat! :) today nearly zero movement! even daddy taptap also no kick.. i nearly cried out.. then after a nap and lunch she's back to active pig like tt...
haha i think we all mummies are like that. sometimes just wish got the ultrascan machine at home to make sure they're ok... especially with all that story with the umbilical cord round neck worries us alot
hehe... everytime i dun feel baby much... i will asked hubby to listen to my tummy... then i ask.. "got sound ma?" then hubby will reassure me... "got got... i hear the heartbeat la... mayb today he tired so dun wanna move..."

It kinda worries me cos my little one used to be so "no give mummy face"... LOL~ now bcome ballerina... so gentle... can hardly feel it...

Engel, the baby heart beat monitor kinda expensive eh... wanted to get it... but like only can used for third trimester onwards... so hubby also dun encourage me to get it... *so used his ear as da monitor... free~ =P

I'm in my 30 weeks now... I almost every day have sleepless night... :( the next day still got to wake up early to work.. Tiring... How I wish baby come out earlier... So that can have ML .. How u gals cope with this ? Take mc to have rest ?
Jo, me 29 weeks... starts to have sleepless night not bcos of bb kicking... *mayb my skin thick canot feel... it's bcos my body starts to feel ache... and when i'm awake midnight i find it so hard to to back to sleep... and when morning comes... i wanna sleep but need to go work de... sienz~


crazycat: hehe.. my hubby puts ear there and say "i dont know if it's baby or just your tummy rumbling.." @Q#$%%&I*^&^ lol whens your EDD? I think we're quite near each other. im currently 13 Aug.


Morning mtbs,

I am in my 30 week now...

Baby Movement:
I am not sure if it is just me or it happens to you guys as well. When I go shopping in supermarket or walk alot, my bb got no movement. I think bb is enjoying the moving sensation in tummy...like rocking him to sleep like tt.

When I am at home, esp in front of PC, he will move around and sometimes give me his kungfu kick.

The movement actually gets more if I drink KOPI O in the morning. BB gal is super active!!!!

Chinese Confinement Herbs:
I saw some mtbs busy discussing about confinement herbs now. Just sharing some info I got from my CL, she told me not to get it too early cos she doesn't want me to put the herbs in the fridge. She wants them fresh!!! So I think I will get it 1 week prior to EDD or pass the list to mum/siblings to get it when I am in hospital. No choice...

Still thinking of getting 1 trial pack of diapers NB instead of buying in bulk first.

Medela Freestyle BreastPump:

My Medela Freestyle pump has finally arrived yesterday. So happy....I just park it on top of bb cupboard with the Boots Milk bag.



Gd morning...

Gonna head to that fair at expo after lunch .... Starts today no?.....
Anyone wants me to look out for anything?


I may head down there later on as well. I want to pick up a pack of Goon Diapers to try for my NB. Anyway it's $14 only so each piece is about 24c. (starts selling at 12pm only) If bb is suitable then I can stock more the next time round.

I am not confirmed going yet but can you just chk if it is worth going. If nothing much...I will prob just grab diapers and go off cos my dad will be driving me ard today. Hohohohooo..