EDD Feb 2012


Welcome welcome! My next appt is 22 Jul... But I can't wait to see my baby on ultrasound... Suddenly I feel the pregnancy symptoms getting lesser... Anyone feeling this way? I'm week 10 going to be 11 this week...


Welcome welcome! My next appt is 22 Jul... But I can't wait to see my baby on ultrasound... Suddenly I feel the pregnancy symptoms getting lesser... Anyone feeling this way? I'm week 10 going to be 11 this week...
Wow.. Congrats ! Hmm should be fine la. Anything not sure just ask the doc?


New Member
Anyone has done Oscar test? Re: EDD Feb 2012

Hello. Every happy mommy to be. My EDD is Feb 3. Nice to meet you.
Just wonder whether you will do or have done the Oscar test? Still struggle whether to do it....Anyone can share her experience?Thanks.


Re: Anyone has done Oscar test? Re: EDD Feb 2012

Hello. Every happy mommy to be. My EDD is Feb 3. Nice to meet you.
Just wonder whether you will do or have done the Oscar test? Still struggle whether to do it....Anyone can share her experience?Thanks.
My friend who gave birth already didn't do. She said regardless of
Result she will keep the baby so no point.


I'm in my 10.5 weeks now and i feel the urge to puke frequently (but don't actually puke). I agree with some mummies that we shouldn't eat too full.. i tried to have my normal (pre-preg) meal quantity with a drink but nowadays, adding the drink = too much and i tend to regurgitate. Yuck. So, i try to not order drinks during my meals..

Going for my 1st tri scan and tests in NUH on 27 Jul. Anyone going/went to NUH for their first tri too?

Phiy: i don't think i'd start getting anything until mid 2nd trimester. not sure about the gender, donno what to get. might as well wait, i think...
i also plan to get my friend's 2nd hand baby clothes (her son is 1 yr old), as the old wives say the baby will grow well and healthy and faster in old clothes.. hehe..


Went to see the gynae today. DW spotting so doc say plenty of rest and need to take duphaston again. Dr mentioned that food was
Ok, no restrictions just moderation so
DW was thrilled to know we can go sushi tei already. 

Next checkup in 2.5 weeks. Nurse gave some package information. Wasn't sure, guess
Sign up would be the best choice. Supposedly it's cheaper. Dr also said the
Little one is actually around 8weeks now instead of 7 weeks
And EDD should be 2102-2012 

Hope DW and little one stay healthy and strong!


Went to see the gynae today. DW spotting so doc say plenty of rest and need to take duphaston again. Dr mentioned that food was
Ok, no restrictions just moderation so
DW was thrilled to know we can go sushi tei already. 

Next checkup in 2.5 weeks. Nurse gave some package information. Wasn't sure, guess
Sign up would be the best choice. Supposedly it's cheaper. Dr also said the
Little one is actually around 8weeks now instead of 7 weeks
And EDD should be 2102-2012 

Hope DW and little one stay healthy and strong!
SAME CRAVING!! My doc told me try to avoid raw food cos might harbor bacteria.


I'm in my 10.5 weeks now and i feel the urge to puke frequently (but don't actually puke). I agree with some mummies that we shouldn't eat too full.. i tried to have my normal (pre-preg) meal quantity with a drink but nowadays, adding the drink = too much and i tend to regurgitate. Yuck. So, i try to not order drinks during my meals..

Going for my 1st tri scan and tests in NUH on 27 Jul. Anyone going/went to NUH for their first tri too?

Phiy: i don't think i'd start getting anything until mid 2nd trimester. not sure about the gender, donno what to get. might as well wait, i think...
i also plan to get my friend's 2nd hand baby clothes (her son is 1 yr old), as the old wives say the baby will grow well and healthy and faster in old clothes.. hehe..
I always can't finish my food these days. But i'll get hungry in 2 hours. So inconvenient... First tri scan should be done every 2 weeks or every month? My bf says he remembered my doc told me to go back in 1 month but the nurse called me to schedule in 2 weeks.


New Member
Guess you are not alone too

I started having nausea during my 5th week and kept vomiting out whatever i eat lor..sometimes I can only fast food. Funny thing is , this nausea thingy happened on alternate weeks, 7th & 9th week, i am in my 10th week now so feeling still alright so far..hopefully next week-11th week - this nausea thing wont come back and disturb me. I also had craving for sweet stuff cos of my taste bud, it seemed to be getting bland and kept having lots of saliva.. many guessed that I am having Baby Girl cos i like sweet stuff? Any one had the same experience as me? My EDD is 7th Feb ^^

edd feb 2012 too. Hello fellow expecting mothers!
and... i'm hit by the nausea tidal wave.

Before eating I feel nauseous
After eating I feel nauseous
Standing I feel nauseous
Sitting I feel nauseous
Lying on the bed I feel nauseous

Even the sour stuff didn't help (except while eating it)
Give a shoutout if you too... at least I know i'm not alone.
Anyone with ideas to alleviate the tidal wave, my ears are open!


SAME CRAVING!! My doc told me try to avoid raw food cos might harbor bacteria.
Well should avoid. My doc just more
Ang mor.. Even though say ok, still better to err on caution. Haha.. Doc said he doesn't subscribe to cold turkey, should do slowly eg smoking slowly cut down. Then I said I totally quit cold turkey coz of DW. Doc say well
You not preggie. DW laugh.. 


Well should avoid. My doc just more
Ang mor.. Even though say ok, still better to err on caution. Haha.. Doc said he doesn't subscribe to cold turkey, should do slowly eg smoking slowly cut down. Then I said I totally quit cold turkey coz of DW. Doc say well
You not preggie. DW laugh.. 
What is DW ah? I also think should stay caution, im restricting to once a week.


haha so sweet! i only call my bf darling. hahahahha

oh i used to smoke, but when i was about to kno im preg, when i smoke, i felt like puking. i didnt kno it was one of my symptoms. so i stopped totally now when i know i am. and bf doesnt want me smoke. and now smoking to me stinks like hell. =/surprising for me cos i usually take 5 a day. =x