EDD Feb 2012


My goddess, confirmed today, twins......
Congrats springsubway! :) Enjoy your pregnancy!

BTW, my nausea seems to have toned down a little since I hit weeks 9 and 10. HOWEVER, my sense of smell has gone up up up, and every scent seems to make me want to puke. At coffeeshops I must sit far far away from the stalls and the smoke, and those perfumed shops and aromatherapy shops I hold my breath and zoom past.

I still get nausea, but it's well within manageable limits, at least I don't need to take the sour stuff to feel "normal". :)

How are you ladies doing for now?


I had my dating ultrasound scan today. Only one baby :)

The nausea seems to come at around 5pm every day. Weird. Breastfeeding my 15 month old is becoming more painful and I probably have less milk now. Nevertheless we will persevere until he doesn't want milkies anymore. I'm hoping to tandem feed though.

To first time mummies, I'd encourage you to read as much as possible about breastfeeding. There are so many books on parenting but education on breastfeeding is so important. It may be the most natural thing to do but it does need to be learnt :001_302:


Good note on breastfeeding ast0212. I read in other forums that it will change the shape of your breasts, what's your experience like, can you share?

Dear mommies, I think I spoke too soon on the nausea. The next day, it hit me like a tidal wave, again. I vomited my food for the first time and now I've loss of appetite... super tired out and feeling uncomfy all day long...


New Member
Hi Osaka, the Oscar scan is like super detailed ultras an where many measurements are taken. Not quite invasive. Don't worry
Hi Bubbly, thanks for the info, i am gg for my oscar next week, was looking ard in thr forum for some info.... luckily i saw yours! thanks so much! :)


New Member
argh.. last night's barfing was horrible. was trying to control as i didn't want to throw up all the night's dinner. but apparently throwing up makes you more comfortable, instead of keeping all inside you and stuffing you up.. i hope this evening sickness doesn't get worse. i'm only in my 8 weeks.. due to see the Doc this friday.

i'm supposed to do some tests at the NUH when i reach the end of my 1st trimester at the end of July. i guess this must be what some of you call the Oscar test? i'm not sure, i haven't checked out the official name of the tests with my Doc. Hope all's well!
Jia you chjean! my first tri also ending in end jul, am gg for my oscar test next week. Hang on! hope you are feeling better now.. :)



New Member
Hi Jean, I'm not sure whether able to see the gender at 13 weeks maybe some lucky one yes, but i've read that it's easier to see and is most accurate between 18-22 weeks, also depends on the position of the baby. I think it's easier to see if the baby is a boy.

Any mummies decided to go for Oscar test? I'm going to have it on 26 July... wonder what is the procedure and quite worried about the result...
Hi PandC,

I will be going for mine next tue... 2 Aug.. heard its just some detailed ultrascan and blood test....



went to NUH to do my 1st trimester scan/screening on Monday. it was not the OSCAR that some of you have mentioned. I only did a more detailed scan (called the Nuchal Tranlucency (NT) Scan) like what muaji mentioned which checked for a detailed measurement of the baby - heart activity, size, spine, stomach, hands, feet, placenta, amniotic fluid etc. wow, just one scan, so much results.

the baby was initially sleeping, then the nurse used the scanning "stick" to roll over and over my stomach and said wake up wake up baby, and the baby moved. haha.. so cute. but the nurse pressed on my pelvic bone i think, quite uncomfortable, but just for a while la.. This scan also confirms the no. of weeks of the baby that my gynae told me. I'm now almost in my 12.5 weeks, and have another detailed scan with NUH end Sep.

after the scan, another nurse took my blood and said it's to test for Down's Syndrome.
will be seeing my gynae this saturday to know more about the results from NUH... update you mummies again!

by the way, NUH charged me $235. I guess there were no govt subsidy due to my gynae being a private doc...


Good note on breastfeeding ast0212. I read in other forums that it will change the shape of your breasts, what's your experience like, can you share?

Dear mommies, I think I spoke too soon on the nausea. The next day, it hit me like a tidal wave, again. I vomited my food for the first time and now I've loss of appetite... super tired out and feeling uncomfy all day long...
Hi Clap, I read an article recently that mentioned a study on this (can't find it now!) that it's actually pregnancy that changes your breasts, not breastfeeding. But yes, breasts do sag after giving birth. No more pretty perkiness. However, to see a little baby suckling and getting all that milky goodness far outweighs the saggiest boobs :)

I hope the nausea will get better for you into the 2nd trimester!! Rest whenever you can and eat smaller meals throughout the day :)


New Member
Hi mummies,

I went for my Oscar Test yesterday morning. The procedure was pretty simple & fast. Initially my baby was like still sleeping and refuse to change position so we didn't managed to screen the baby's neck (to measure the neck fold to test for down syndrome) but after the doctor wake her up she then started to move very active and even say hello to us by waving her little hands! Yes, we can see the gender from the bottom of the baby where in between the thigh we can't spot anything, so the doctor say most probably is a baby girl! :Dancing_wub:

The test is like what 'Jean' has mentioned... ultrasound & measurements, blood test and urine test (i think additional one). Total i paid $400+ for the test exclude the 20th week detailed scan. One more thing the doctor also look at the nasal bone of the baby because babies with down's syndrome do not have a visible nasal bone at the scan. Thank god, the doctor said everything looks ok but need to wait for the blood test result for confirmation.

Talk to your baby before you go for the test so baby will be more cooperative (i guess) and maybe you can see your baby gender too in this early stage!


Hi mummies,

I went for my Oscar Test yesterday morning. The procedure was pretty simple & fast. Initially my baby was like still sleeping and refuse to change position so we didn't managed to screen the baby's neck (to measure the neck fold to test for down syndrome) but after the doctor wake her up she then started to move very active and even say hello to us by waving her little hands! Yes, we can see the gender from the bottom of the baby where in between the thigh we can't spot anything, so the doctor say most probably is a baby girl! :Dancing_wub:

The test is like what 'Jean' has mentioned... ultrasound & measurements, blood test and urine test (i think additional one). Total i paid $400+ for the test exclude the 20th week detailed scan. One more thing the doctor also look at the nasal bone of the baby because babies with down's syndrome do not have a visible nasal bone at the scan. Thank god, the doctor said everything looks ok but need to wait for the blood test result for confirmation.

Talk to your baby before you go for the test so baby will be more cooperative (i guess) and maybe you can see your baby gender too in this early stage!
Awww that's so cute your doctor had to wake up your baby! Must have been a beautiful moment seeing your baby waving too :) Congrats on having a girl!

So that's what on Oscar test is? It's quite expensive but it is reassuring to know baby is doing well, and it's great the tests are all combined. Over here they are done separately and the costs differ for each scan but we can claim back some or all (depending on scan) from Medicare.

I am looking forward to the anatomy scan to find out my baby's sex!! And then name choosing! How are you going with choosing names?


Hi Clap, I read an article recently that mentioned a study on this (can't find it now!) that it's actually pregnancy that changes your breasts, not breastfeeding. But yes, breasts do sag after giving birth. No more pretty perkiness. However, to see a little baby suckling and getting all that milky goodness far outweighs the saggiest boobs :)

I hope the nausea will get better for you into the 2nd trimester!! Rest whenever you can and eat smaller meals throughout the day :)
Thanks ast0212 :) Resting whenever I can.

@chjean, so cute to see your baby wake up and wave at you! hehe


New Member
thanks ast0212.

yeah that is the oscar test, simple as that. the expensive part is the blood test (from my bill). you at Australia? is all the clinics or hospital practice the same way that everything done and charged separately? Over here the charges are vary from clinic/ gynae but some gynae do offer prenatal package (exclude detailed/ blood test & supplements) say from 12 or 16 week onwards for example. However, we can only claim our pre-delivery medical expenses up to $450 in total from our medisave.

Me too waiting for the anatomy scan at 20 week to double confirm my baby's sex! I heard it's a very important scan to examine all the anatomy of baby in great detail, also to detect any abnormalities at this stage. Another worry after the down syndrome.

For baby's name, i'll choose from the 'Saint of the day' so it depends on my baby's birth date! :001_302:


Ooh thanks for sharing PandC! :) Wow they give you supplements as well?

Over here there are two main systems, I think it's like Singapore too? Public and private. With private I'm not too sure how it works but friends who've gone private tell me that the total out of pocket expense is around $2.5-4k after claiming some back from Medicare (government) and private health insurance.

With public you can go with shared care (GP up to 20 weeks then public hospital), or all antenatal care with public hospital. All antenatal care with the hospital including delivery and hospital stay is free and if you're with hospital from the beginning of your pregnancy then all scans and blood tests are included. With shared care the total spent is around $500+ (depends where you go) for all 3 ultrasounds and 2 blood tests, if they are not bulk billed and you have no health care concession card, otherwise free as well.

Then there's the Community Midwifery Program if you choose to have a homebirth - all free. Or at the Family Birth Centre (like homebirth but in a controlled environment, where I'm having this baby) - free too.

So depending on what we choose, having a baby here can be free, or up to a couple of thousand :001_302:

I'd be interested to know how it's like in Singapore, in case we have to move there.

Yep the anatomy scan is really long and detailed...which with a full bladder can be quite uncomfortable and hard to focus on looking at baby and trying not to pee :( Anyway, don't worry, pray for a healthy baby :)


I decided not to go for Oscar test... my mil felt that it was unnecessary since i am below 30... anyone who also din opt for the test?


New Member
I decided not to go for Oscar test... my mother in law felt that it was unnecessary since i am below 30... anyone who also did not opt for the test?

Hi there! I am also having a Feb baby and this is my 2nd child.

For my first kid, gynae (i believe wanted to earn more money) recommended us to do the Oscar.

For my 2nd (2 yrs later), new gynae (whom I find is very sincere and honest) recommended the N.T scan since I am only 30.

End up, results are very promising. 1:3900. Low risk.

I think you can just opt for the NT scan. that should be good enuff!
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New Member
hi ast0212, i seeing private gynae and this is my first time so i dont't know about the public hospital charges or services. My friend who delivered in private hospital told me she paid $2k-$3k in cash after medisave claim of $2k+. I think nothing is free in Singapore. Maybe our friends here can share about it?

I dont't about others, but my gynae will ask me whether i have this vitamin if not then she will advise me to take and i just buy from my gynae.


New Member
Received call from my doctor about my blood test result for down's syndrome ... hehehe... overall low risk as 1 in 7000. Phew!

My gynae told me younger age mums may no need to do the oscar test. even my age 33 now i was given the choice whether to do the test. i think doctors only recommend oscar test for mums over 35.


Thanks mummies for the feedback.. :)

I think seeing private gynae is very expensive in sg.. I only had 4 consultations so far and it costs ave 250.. partly cuz of my low hormones, I had an injection and put on duphastone thru out first trimester...

I might switch to a cheaper gynae if the current does not offer package for subsequent visits.. also need to check for gynae's delivery charges to decide..

It's my first baby but I think having kids in sg is really very costly.. :(


Received call from my doctor about my blood test result for down's syndrome ... hehehe... overall low risk as 1 in 7000. Phew!

My gynae told me younger age mums may no need to do the oscar test. even my age 33 now i was given the choice whether to do the test. i think doctors only recommend oscar test for mums over 35.
Hi PandC, my risk is also about the same as yours. I was a little worried as I'm 34, going on 35 late this year. Imagine what a relief the results were! with the low risk, there is no need for further amniotic fluid extraction for further tests. phew...

waiting for the 20week scan now..


New Member
Hi PandC, my risk is also about the same as yours. I was a little worried as I'm 34, going on 35 late this year. Imagine what a relief the results were! with the low risk, there is no need for further amniotic fluid extraction for further tests. phew...

waiting for the 20week scan now..
Hello, i just done the Oscar test today...... it was amazing...seeing ur bb waving legs and hands... so active... so cute.... hahahahahhaa.....now waiting for result to come out.... i am also 34 this year... @_@