EDD May 2012 Mummies!


Usually at 30wks .. Gynae will ask u to start counting the movements from 8am -6pm at least 10 movements during this period. As baby are usually very active at night so normal baby will Definetly move alot. During the day.. Baby won't move that much for some days but u can make your baby move.. Hmm then just count.. If he moves once then consider one time. Surely u have a way to make ur baby move right??

Sing, talk, drink water, put a cold flask on ur tummy... Listening to music. . Etc. Ur baby should be moving now ... U have to be abit more sensitive, observe & feel the movement.
Oic. So as long as there are 10 movements per day its ok? My gynae didnt ask me to count alth I m now just past 31 wk. Maybe he will at my next appt.

I will usually shake my tummy to make my baby move. Wonder is that too violent? Haha...


If u bring sterilizing tablets u still need boiling water not just hot water. So why don't u just pass ur bottles or pump n ask them to do it for u ...
Oh sterilizing tablets still need hot water? I always thought normal tap water will do. Ok maybe its easier to just pass the nurses the pump then.


Oic. So as long as there are 10 movements per day its ok? My gynae didnt ask me to count alth I m now just past 31 wk. Maybe he will at my next appt.

I will usually shake my tummy to make my baby move. Wonder is that too violent? Haha...

I'll also do that.. Juat lift my tummy up and shake abit and i think baby gets irritated cause he gives me a huge kick all the time when i do that.


I'm in my week 29 now....
My baby moves very regularly and strongly, definitely more than 10 times a day.
These days I can't sit for very long. He stretches out his legs and push against my ribs and stomach area, making me very uncomfortable. Over the weekend I tried to watch a movie with my hubby but can't sit still throughout the show..I keep having to adjust my body. Halfway through almost had to stand up and watch from the last row. :p
Sometimes he head-butts my bladder too...making me feel short experiences of incontinence.


Sorry to ask again on disposable maternity briefs/underwear - i've looked at 2 Guardian and 2 Watson and nobody seems to have heard of this before.

Can anyone tell me if there's a brand name for such thing? Also is normal maternity pads (like Kao) night version (around 34cm) ok to use after delivery? I saw kotex loop but couldn't visualise how to use it!


Sorry to ask again on disposable maternity briefs/underwear - i've looked at 2 Guardian and 2 Watson and nobody seems to have heard of this before.

Can anyone tell me if there's a brand name for such thing? Also is normal maternity pads (like Kao) night version (around 34cm) ok to use after delivery? I saw kotex loop but couldn't visualise how to use it!
If u stay near tpy, can get from a shop (ipretty, nt wrong). Its along the row of shops near koi, just beside the small lane leading to carpark. They have maternity disposable panties. One pack of 5 cost abt $5+ if i din rem wrongly..


I'll also do that.. Juat lift my tummy up and shake abit and i think baby gets irritated cause he gives me a huge kick all the time when i do that.
haha lift tummy up!! i onli push him to play, he will sure push or kick back. think we are all irritating mummies!!
i nvr count his kicks, cos he too active, always have to tell him he hit 10 kicks target le, cant stop n sleep...


haha lift tummy up!! i onli push him to play, he will sure push or kick back. think we are all irritating mummies!!
i nvr count his kicks, cos he too active, always have to tell him he hit 10 kicks target le, cant stop n sleep...
Sometimes when my hubby catches me doing that, he will tell me to stop irritating baby. Haha. Else when she will irritate me back when she is born haha
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yeah!! dun need to worry how to sterilizing the pump n bottles already!! :) just give to the nurse there to do it.
hmm.. since the nurses can do that for us, I'll jus bring the whole un-open box of the pumps & bottles to the hospital.. haha... but wat about when we get home? if no steriliser, mus use boiling water ah? will the bottles 'melt'?


i dun know wat is the dialect name, onli will use dialect surname w/ hanyipeiyin name. scare wrg then will be a big joke for him in future.

for the breast pump- can sterliser n put in bag for so long?? tat what i am still wondering abt also. do we need to take bottles also??

for bag, i will get those Baby Diaper Bag Organizer from Gmarket. so i just need to put it inside my bag or hubby's when go out.

i pack half the bag already. except add in all the clothes onli, seem like alot to bring. poor hubby have to take so many stuff to hospital n back home..

that's fast.. wat have u packed inside? I wanted to too but duno where to start.. do we have to bring baby wipes too? and also how do we wash the brand new pacificer?


hmm.. since the nurses can do that for us, I'll jus bring the whole un-open box of the pumps & bottles to the hospital.. haha... but wat about when we get home? if no steriliser, mus use boiling water ah? will the bottles 'melt'?

If I rem correctly, my antenatal teacher said the bottles have to be boiled for about 10min before they are considered sterile.


this is my checklist. i dont know what to add or take out also.


Must have
1 Pre-admission document
2 Doctor's letter/ receipt
3 NRIC (Both mummy's and daddy's)
4 Marriage certificate
5 Deposit Monies / Credit Card
6 Bank statment/passbook

For mummy
1 Pyjamas
2 Breastfeeding bras
3 Breastpads
4 Nipple protector
5 Sanitary pads
6 Panties / Disposable panties
7 Room slippers
8 Socks
9 Face and Bath towels
10 Clean clothes for going home
11 Books / Magazines
13 Cardigan
14 Lip balm
15 A laundry bag
16 Toiletries - Toothbrush, toothpaste, moisturizer, comb, soap, shampoo
17 chicken essence

For baby
1 1 set of baby clothes
2 2 sets of mittens and booties
3 Receiving blanket
4 Disposable diapers
5 Baby wipes
6 pacifier

For Daddy
1 Jacket
2 Camera / Video Camera
3 Charger for Camera / Video Camera
4 Handphone
5 Handphone charger
6 Coins- drinks vending machine
7 Snacks- Cereal bars or dried fruit for an energy boost
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this is my checklist. i dont know what to add or take out also.


Must have
1 Pre-admission document
2 Doctor's letter/ receipt
3 NRIC (Both mummy's and daddy's)
4 Marriage certificate
5 Deposit Monies / Credit Card
6 Bank statment/passbook

For mummy
1 Pyjamas
2 Breastfeeding bras
3 Breastpads
4 Nipple protector
5 Sanitary pads
6 Panties / Disposable panties
7 Room slippers
8 Socks
9 Face and Bath towels
10 Clean clothes for going home
11 Books / Magazines
13 Cardigan
14 Lip balm
15 A laundry bag
16 Toiletries - Toothbrush, toothpaste, moisturizer, comb, soap, shampoo
17 chicken essence

For baby
1 1 set of baby clothes
2 2 sets of mittens and booties
3 Receiving blanket
4 Disposable diapers
5 Baby wipes
6 pacifier

For Daddy
1 Jacket
2 Camera / Video Camera
3 Charger for Camera / Video Camera
4 Handphone
5 Handphone charger
6 Coins- drinks vending machine
7 Snacks- Cereal bars or dried fruit for an energy boost
Hi Climsp,

Which hospital are you giving birth at? For Thomson, they told me dun need to bring anything for baby cos everything provided. Only need to pack for my hubby and myself.


hi MTBs,
hope all is doing alright. =))
as for me bb will move non-stop when she's hungry. n will stop only i've eaten alot. i read that on our 3rd trimester we need to eat small 6 meals but i dont think i can. if i dont eat enuff, the lil' princess will move non-stop n it's so uncomfortable! especially at night. hello to sleepless nights from now on. she is just moving too much at night till hubs had to scold her then her kicks slow down abit.. hehehe. one time i was woken up w pain on my right ribs due to her kick!! but im not complaining tho cz i know she's alive n kicking.. hehehhe.

belly button wise, mine is non existence already. popped out n it's so soft! when touch i feel ticklish. hard to do the dishes now.


What is a receiving blanket? I got this item on list given to me during hospital tour

this is my checklist. i dont know what to add or take out also.


Must have
1 Pre-admission document
2 Doctor's letter/ receipt
3 NRIC (Both mummy's and daddy's)
4 Marriage certificate
5 Deposit Monies / Credit Card
6 Bank statment/passbook

For mummy
1 Pyjamas
2 Breastfeeding bras
3 Breastpads
4 Nipple protector
5 Sanitary pads
6 Panties / Disposable panties
7 Room slippers
8 Socks
9 Face and Bath towels
10 Clean clothes for going home
11 Books / Magazines
13 Cardigan
14 Lip balm
15 A laundry bag
16 Toiletries - Toothbrush, toothpaste, moisturizer, comb, soap, shampoo
17 chicken essence

For baby
1 1 set of baby clothes
2 2 sets of mittens and booties
3 Receiving blanket
4 Disposable diapers
5 Baby wipes
6 pacifier

For Daddy
1 Jacket
2 Camera / Video Camera
3 Charger for Camera / Video Camera
4 Handphone
5 Handphone charger
6 Coins- drinks vending machine
7 Snacks- Cereal bars or dried fruit for an energy boost


Sorry to ask again on disposable maternity briefs/underwear - i've looked at 2 Guardian and 2 Watson and nobody seems to have heard of this before.

Can anyone tell me if there's a brand name for such thing? Also is normal maternity pads (like Kao) night version (around 34cm) ok to use after delivery? I saw kotex loop but couldn't visualise how to use it!
think the ones at guardian and watsons are not maternity. i bought the freesized ones (and one mens pack accidentally!) from watsons. if you want maternity, can get from spring maternity or kiddy palace. not sure what is the diff

think the normal pads are ok but maternity pads are thicker so provide more cushioning.