EDD July 2012


New Member
Congratulations, All July Mummies & Mummies-to-be! :tlaugh:

If you are intending to breastfeed your baby but are not sure which breastpump suits you the most, we are providing MEDELA breastpumps rental services at affordable rates!

It is very crucial to try out which breastpump suits you before you spend few hundreds of dollars!
Medela PISA is $750 & Freestyle is $950 at retails!

For choice of breastpumps & their rates, pls visit

Happy Breastfeeding, Mummies! Strive on!


New Member
Congratz jenni mummies rest well.. Mine edd on this fri but wed need go kkh c gyane c wad she say, so nervous.. Lucky mine first one very stick to my hubby so I can rest more


Congratz jenni mummies rest well.. Mine edd on this fri but wed need go kkh c gyane c wad she say, so nervous.. Lucky mine first one very stick to my hubby so I can rest more
Haha thanks, don think too much, baby now Donno how to chose.. Without epidural really used up all my strength...


I haven't start bf yet, stomach too cramp and tired... Later if baby hungry wan try bf le... Don feel any milk flow yet... Got to try feed le...


Engravedx- pla don't take so much stress.. I know it's easier said than done.. Me n hubby not locals and have to do everything on own.. So now finally thinking of maid but so scared n stressed over it.. Hubby asks me not to stress but what to do! How do everything alone..

But its ok.. God has given us strength as women.. We will be able to manage and manage well.. So pls don't stress ad try taking deep breaths whenever u feel BP rising :) try thinking positive n nice about bb.. It will help, I'm telling u..

My house is in total mess n jm getting tensed.. But then slowly trying to relax n say, ok everything cannot be done :) .. I think we mummies n mtbs should plan a meetup..


Thanks to all, finally mummy of 3rd time le also my last le... Don need to go true any more labour le... Half my life gone haha...

Now carry my lil princess trying to breast feed... So happy...
Oojo:666837 said:
c0ngratS jenni:D
Hey ShalynnShafii, how r u n bb doing?
Me & baby fine... im trying t0 managed her all by mySelf.. aS hubby already Start w0rk.. then MIL.. every thing alS0 d0nt n0e.. haiz.. itS actually quite t0ugh.. when u have t0 d0 all 0n ur 0wn.. juz g0tta endure la..
I d0nt really f0ll0w the pantang.. i will juz leave the h0uSe.. t0 get StuffS f0r my bby..
N0 ch0ice im al0ne at h0me.. MIL will 0nly c0me back fr0m w0rk at 12pm..:D


Hi ladies, Lucky Baby is hving warehouse sales on the 6 & 7 Jul. Check out the details from FB - The Baby Studio. Cheers