how do u breastfeed calm n steadily??

I have a feeling the reason why your boy is not so called sucking actively is becos he is also on formula and he prefers the flow of the bottle. That was what happened to my elder boy also. when my supply reduced, i gave him fm and ebm thru bottle and since then, he will be very fussy on my breast cos my milk flow not as fast as bott. so, it could be this reason that he is not suckoing actively.

I do use the SNS in the day to feed him. That's a gadget with tubing at nipple so he latches on and drinks at my nipple. I am hoping that will give myself the stimulation to increase supply and reduce bottle use as much as possible. But been using for almost 3 weeks did see tiny bit increase till the mastitis struck.

If latching is wearing you out, do you want to try doing exclusive pumping? thru pumping, you can manipulate your supply much easier and you wont get tired and stressed up cos of his latching. Breastfeeding doesn;t just mean latching. as long as baby is given bm, bottle or latching is just as good!

With my first one I did ex pumping with the pump in style but my little supply never increased in those six months of bfg. Not sure why the pump works for some women but not for me. My friend said pump is like baby sucking, then why is my pumping always just yield 10-20ml max each time. I am not only discouraged, also not confident anymore. Did so much to prepare myself this time and can I not feel I am some freak

I dunno if you dare to try this. reduce qty of fm. let him be a little hungry and he may suck more from your breasts. I know this is taking a gamble but seems like this is one of the better ways.

I was trying to reduce 30ml each day for four days with success until I got the mastitis and things went back to square one. And I never tried since. I am also worried about the formula being the psychological factor hindering me, and I am so scared to take it away. Now he drinks 90ml every 2hrs most times in the day. cf lady says dont increase to 120ml cos he doesnt finish and may be too much for his tummy one go...better stay at 90 ml at two hr intervals. he gets hungry even with formula and cries loudly for it.,.i give the formula using the SNS in day and i excludively pump at night. There were times he pulled and pulled my nipple in frustration cos he couldn't get much and then cry cos he gets nothing. i dont know how to keep him latching on and sucking properly cos he is expecting lots milk flow...I do agree he's used to fast flow..if I wean him I am so scared.

Or just go with exclusive pumping. If you want to try exclusive pumping, I am happy to tell you how i increased my supply from zero in week 3 thru exclusive pumping and managed to bf for 1 yr.

pls tell me. I am not sure what I have done wrong.
Ok that time for me, when my supply dropped to zero, i struggled alot before deciding to do exclusive pumping. So, i pump every 1 and half to 2 hourly depending on whether my nipple can take it or not. every time the yield was little but i just keep whatever i hv and feed to my boy. i did that for almost 2 weeks and my supply went up alot till i have oversupply. then, i started to drag to 3 hourly pump and drag somemore. of cos I also took the Motherluv supplement - more milk plus special blend and also drank anmum(i heard anmum gives lots of milk too) i also eat all the things that my frens said can increase supply. things like salmon sashimi, oat, milo, cheese, papaya fish soup etc. Then, cos i m not latching, i m not that stressed anymore as i take it lightly - have bm then give, if not nvr mind, try harder (took quite sometime to psycho myself into this mindset). and i try to zzz as much as i can. I think without stress and with some rest, supply also came in,

Yours is Pump In Style Advanced? how long do you normally pump? I find the optimal pumping time is between 10-15min. dun pump beyond 15 min cos is not efficient at all and you are getting far too little output per min if you go beyond 15 min. so keep the most up to 15 min. Then while pumping, compress your breast as well. Also, there is no need to put strong suction. just a comfortable one will do cos i tried before, strong and gentle suction, the diff is only very very little. so no point torturing your nipples. oh yes, do your nipples fit nicely into the funnels? cos my fren has big nipples and M size funnel is too small. the nipples always rub against the funnel walls and thus, not much milk can come out. she then go buy the L size funnel and all worked well for her.

i think most importantly dun stress. i think you are too stressed up liao


Mummy2twosoon, relax!!!!! The moment u even consider urself as a freak, battle lost!!!

Rearing a child is a lifelong thingy! Try for one more mth before conceding then!!! Keep cool lady!

And pls pls share w ur husband how u feel or ask him to read the forum to understand how hard u have been trying. U two should be in this together! Comforting n encouraging each other ( to u!!!). Dun load all these to urself!
Thanks ladies. But I will be quitting these few days slowly weaning my baby off breast milk. I have tried so hard for my first boy lasted 6 months. This time I thought I either succeed or feed at least longer than my first son but the mastitis stuck and its just hard having so much on my hands if bfg is neither here nor there. I can't cope with bb latching so much plus pumping round the clock and only getting the most 20ml and no increase no matter how hard or how relaxed I am trying to be.

Hubby is supportive now but I feel like a fraud with dodgy boobs that are useless! I will just be content letting my baby nurse to settle for sleep and just enjoy watching him nurse. It is easier to feed formula with a bottle. I have to accept this. I have done my best this time. It's just not meant to be.

Thanks so much, I am so thankful to have found this thread with you wonderful ladies.
mummy2twosoon, no matter breastmilk or formula, as long as baby grow up well, we will be contented. i am so glad yr hubby is supportive :) take good care and have good rest.


Mummy2two... U did great le.. Dun belittle urself... I din manage to bf my #1... Only about 1+mth.... That is partial...

Now my #2 still partial... I also pump 10~20ml.. At week 3. Now range fm 50~90.. Im still pressing on... I latch my girl at night throughout my girl is 8 weeks now... I still supplement with 1~2 feeds each day.

I also believe i got little milk... But so long got bm.. Im doing my best
How not to feel like that when it happens to both my kids?

First kid I felt guilty cos I didn't educate myself and tot that was reason why my bfg failed.

second kid I did everything I could still failed I feel angry.

if I have a good supply and fully bf, it would be really convenient but at the moment it's taking too much of my time. When the cf lady goes I will surely mati, more stressed, cannot cope.

anyway I expressed this morning after not having done so almost whole of yesterday, only let baby latch right side, I got 50ml both breasts. This shows that my breasts can contain more than a mere pathetic 20ml! But my brain is just not cooperating to make more! My nipples are perfectly fine and fit the PIS advanced shields perfectly, aerola and nipple both fit just nicely into it. I compress my breast when the suck mode is on and if not will take ages to get all milk out. I pump about 10-15 mims per side. Must compress so I don't double pump, just one breast at a time. Don't have three hands. Always LOwest setting.

my question, if I just collect my milk at same time each day eg 7am each morning, my body will continue to make right? Demand supply mah? I tot of just collecting once at 7am each day and at least 50ml comes out also not bad! At least my boy can drink once a day And it is not so torturous on my schedule. You know, like cows on the farm....just collect once or twice...MOO MOO.......
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Mummy22 i learned to let go... My #1 i think at most pump 10ml...... I gsve up after 5~6 weeks

This time i more determined... Henceforth i try n try... I can tell u i did everything i could only to see increase say 2~3ml.... Took me almost 3 weeks to increase to 50ml... Im not sure if pumping once is suffice.. I pump at least 5times... Now norm bout 7 times fm 80ml to now about 380ml per day...

Im really tired plus my #1 demands a lot of attn... But Im glad I din give up... Now every morning I wake up with very slight hardness in my boobs Im very encouraged to press on throughout e day!
Thank you for sharing.

yeah I find it so touch n discouraging and I aso have an older one to take care of, plus a dog and PT job at home.

You are very determined, kudos to you.

Keep it up.

i have a very strong feeling that it is just my serious lack of confidence that I can bf my baby. Cos failed first time there's that past haunting me. And as much as I didn't want to go near formula this time, my baby had low sugar and formula cannot be avoided when my milk hasn't come in in hosp. I think once formula is introduced, it's almost the end of my bfg battle...midwife said if I stop formula once home, and just give boob, baby will have that as only lifeline and no choice must suck till I make milk. A friend said she has low supply but her baby refused bottle with formula, no choice only had her boobs, she sucked till her milk finally came n bf three years. It's amazing, just a bit hard to believe it happen to me. I am so scared to try that out having baby screaming his head off hungry, I have hubby n cf lady support but...

i am sorry everyone has to hear me rant here....


My girl scream n wailed till everyone wake up... I also introduxed fm early... Then i calm myself by singing worship songs... This preg is not as smooth as no1.. So I personally give thanks.. By singing calms myself n bb... I did it everytime i latch for at least 2weeks...

My mil not very encouraging in tbf coz she mention draining for mother... Mother no rest. ... So i dun latch every meal coz it hurts me to hear bb wailed at top of her lungs so i started ep. Then i no die heart still latch at night... Singing singing.. Now i considered half race run...
Cf lady and hubby aso said tough on me but I wanted to try everything I can before giving up. I think pump really doesn't work for me. The last straw is latch baby and give no formula.

Haiz! I want to give up but when I pumped out 50ml this morning I wana hang on again! Grrrrrr!

This my last baby, it's so hard!


hmm... Mummy2TwoSoon,
How about try to feed her bm alternate feed? Like fm first, then direct latch, fm? At least ur mind will be at more easy. and u can stretch the time abit more to have more milk? *wink* I believe ur baby still feeding on every 1-2 hours right? So u can try to feed ur bb every 4-5 hours, after feeding right side, pump out (and massage) the left side right after the feed. i think it's not so draining on ur mind also. and bb gets to drink bm and fm, u get some rest also.

Rodorsany, whenever my bb can't sleep in the first month, i sang worship songs to bb also. And when i got tired, my husband would take over. He always sand the same song- with christ in the vessel. it's very comforting and relaxing to see the Papa sang to bb. ^_^
Baby had fm in bottle this mng 630am. Then I nursed him, kept switching sides. He survived, sucked, drank, fell asleep, all at breasts. I had a break at 11am, after giving him 90ml formula via the SNS. Just put him to breast and he falls asleep now. Will continue into the afternoon.

So scared he will scream impatiently for milk...pray that he will be patient n this works.
i think if you pump every morn, you will continue to have the milk. just that mayb as time goes, it may reduce if you dun maintain it.

I actually admire your determination despite all the obstacles! seems like you are not willing to give up so soon! which is good cos not many pple cna be like u! keep us updated of your progress!

sometimes i really feel tired that i have to be around for baby to latch on cos i m the only source of her food. you know everytime i spend about 45min to feed her (inc feeding, burping and letting her stay upright on my chest to prevent backflow of milk) then if i want to go out, i have to make sure i come back in 1 hour 45 min(just in case she wants to feed in 2 and half hour time). very stressful. i want to go rebond hair, do facial but then will definitely take more than 1 hour 45 min. so most of the time, i only go the the neatrest shopping centre near my house. i feel so confined! I want to pump out but then dunno how to start pumping so that i wont get oversupply and will have enough for baby. it is just wearing me out.i want to drag her feed to 4 hours but then she only managed to do tat for once. most of the time is 3 hours if not 2 and half. is this the sacrifice for wanting to direct latch?
i must agree yes, latching takes up more time and needs more effort but it is a matter of time until he wean off mummy's breast. But also not all baby take longer time to drink, mine if latch on, he take less than 20mins and he burp really fast since young.

mummy2twosoon, i really hope u give yourself more time because yr body might need more time to increase the supply, at least now u see the difference :) Take good care.
Thanks ladies!

Yes every time I feel discouraged wana quit there would be something which gives me hope to continue.

Baby had another round of 90ml formula via SNS at 6pm then cf lady gave 60ml EBM in bottle at 7pm. So from mng till now he has had only 2x90ml formula n 1x60ml EBM. I slept for almost 2 hours while cf lady took care of him. Baby just woke 945pm and now Drinking at my breast. I felt milk filling my breasts and heard him taking small mouthfuls as he sucks. I pray that my body is making more. Standby formula tonight rooming in with him (he usually sleeps with cf lady) and going to let him latch on as much as I can.

Any idea how long I should keep doing this before I see results? Hoping soon.

And I should feel engorgement if its going to work right?

Rachelling, yeah direct bfg is disruptive and makes a mum indispensable. And really can take one hr to bf! Drinking, burping and waiting cos bb falls asl i literally am imprisoned in my bedroom whole day with my baby. cf lady got to bring my lunch n dinner to me, and dont even have time to use toilet. I also have an appt with my hairdresser at 10am tml i am wondering if i should go cos dont wana jeopardise bfg.

How old is your baby now? Sorry not sure if I have asked before...blur blur...


I think e supply kicks in differs individually... Some of my friendskick in real fast... I also got a friend 3rd mth then kick in...

As for myself its slowly kicking in...


yea. dont think u should give up my dear. me too having supply issue. i pumpes abt 30mls only during my first month and by the time 1month, max.i get is 50mls every 3hrly. i am too stressed out by my supply. and after confinement, i move bck hm.and.took care of bb myself with the help of my mil and helper and i did exclusive pumping oso supply kick in slow and bb got bottle preference. so i totally.understand the agony u go thru. for me i chose the eaay way out to do ep.

if u say.u're a freak, i think i am.worst. fully equiped with the.knowledge.of bfing(bcoz i am a nurse myself) yet i am.still struggling. but i.tell u, knowing and doing is 2 different story. so i tell myself no matter wat i cant give up. not until bb is 6 months old.

after alot of hard wrk, i converted her from total fm to partial and to total ebm at 2.5months. bb now is.going 5months and i am still hanging on. bcoz i cant pump enough for her whn.i still.on ML, I took 2 months of NPL to make sure.i stay at hm and pump so i can meet the at least of tbf for her. i dun know where the.strength and determination comes.from esp whn u yield so.little for each.pump. but i juz bite the.bullet and go. after.struggling for months, i can finally meet her demands and.pumping abt 650 mls everyday. not really alot but its way much better than wat.i had.initially.

so my take hm message is dont give up! press on! thats the beauty of a mother's love.
Hey ladies, I am so touched by you all...and your inspiring sharing. With my first baby I never knew such forums existed and never got any support. Fought alone to six months.

This time round with second baby it was even more discouraging when I tot it would work. I am so grateful for all the support I am getting here.

Thanks so much!!!