EDD September 2013 Mummies


I thought normally they'll use fleet to make you empty Ur bowels before pushing? Or even if there's bowel movements during pushing is also quite common... But anyway u have gone through the labour! It's time to rejoice and bond with Ur girl ;) so happy for u!!!
ya, they injected fleet, but somehow mine was not fully cleared. It's normal, just that I felt weird and didn't want to mess up the bed, scare baby will kena infection. Just my stupid thought at that moment. Haha.. All are well now. Wish you a smooth delivery!!


Oh StellaC, will let you know my total bill later. I am in single bedded ward. Cosy and nice, managed to catch some sleep after the long day, esp good for my hubby.


I also massage my breasts but nothing comes out.. So it'll come out after delivery.. So relieved now :) don't worry about her weight, she'll catch up very quickly!! :D
Yea, it comes out after delivery, so just relax now. The nurse will teach you how to feed baby. And there will be one free section of lactation consultation.


I brought disposable panties, pad, baby's diaper, but in the end I was too focused on the delivery and didn't remember to pass to nurse. So I am using whatever provided by hospital.. Haha..


ya, they injected fleet, but somehow mine was not fully cleared. It's normal, just that I felt weird and didn't want to mess up the bed, scare baby will kena infection. Just my stupid thought at that moment. Haha.. All are well now. Wish you a smooth delivery!!
So fleet is compulsory huh.. I don't like it leh dunno why for me it's painful :(


Hi mummies, just give birth. 1.10am Water burst. 3am admitted with 4cm dilate. 5.28am Give birth after few push. Baby boy weight 2.84kg. Now vey tired going to sleep zzzzzz


Congrats kcws!!! That's was quickly delivery. Rest well n update on process!
No pain relief used?
Jerlynn - all the best!! U will have ur bb in ur arms soon!!


Kcws wow so blessed to have a smooth and fast delivery!!

Today I'm over my edd Liao... Waiting and waiting and waiting ..


StellaC! I have a strong feeling that I will go over my EDD too.. Ha. But u going in today right?
hope for u, bb will come before Gynae induces!
seems like mummies after me have also over taken us. Can be quite stressful why like bb not ready to make an entrance :/
mummies, any suggestions how to bring on labour other than walking? If walking, must be how much??
curry works? Spicy food? I even went to do foot massage! Ha.


Hi mummies, just give birth. 1.10am Water burst. 3am admitted with 4cm dilate. 5.28am Give birth after few push. Baby boy weight 2.84kg. Now vey tired going to sleep zzzzzz
That is fast! Congrats mummy kcws! Have a good rest and speedy recovery.


StellaC! I have a strong feeling that I will go over my EDD too.. Ha. But u going in today right?
hope for u, bb will come before Gynae induces!
seems like mummies after me have also over taken us. Can be quite stressful why like bb not ready to make an entrance :/
mummies, any suggestions how to bring on labour other than walking? If walking, must be how much??
curry works? Spicy food? I even went to do foot massage! Ha.
Let baby decides when to come. Just relax and rest well. :)
congrats new mummies!

i have a question..were ur babies born close to their estimated weight?
im a little worried if my baby's too big for normal delivery. alrdy 2.9kg at 37 weeks and doc says considered big.
all ur babies seem to be under 3kgs?


StellaC! I have a strong feeling that I will go over my EDD too.. Ha. But u going in today right?
hope for u, bb will come before Gynae induces!
seems like mummies after me have also over taken us. Can be quite stressful why like bb not ready to make an entrance :/
mummies, any suggestions how to bring on labour other than walking? If walking, must be how much??
curry works? Spicy food? I even went to do foot massage! Ha.
Ya if she still not wanting to come out herself then I'd be induced tonight.. I really don't know what to expect from Inducing. Did Ur gynae suggest induce if over edd?

I had been walking a lot a lot for the past week. Everytime I walk long, I'd have a lot of contractions but they just don't persist or bring on labour. I also do squats everyday, eat curry and spicy food also no use for me! Every night the contractions come strong but they just go after a few hours.


congrats new mummies!

i have a question..were ur babies born close to their estimated weight?
im a little worried if my baby's too big for normal delivery. alrdy 2.9kg at 37 weeks and doc says considered big.
all ur babies seem to be under 3kgs?
My baby estimated weight is 3.3-3.4kg at 40 weeks. A lot of normal deliveries are babies above 3kg. I think no need to worry too much! Or you can eat more efficiently and walk more during this time so that baby won't gain too much weight if u prefer a smaller baby at birth. According to my gynae, smaller easier to deliver, but I think some people prefer above 3kg cos nicer to carry hehe