EDD September 2013 Mummies


Congrats Yanting and kcws!! I've been missing in action past few days as the iPhone app kept kicking me out and I didn't have access to a laptop.

How is everyone so far? I'm struggling with my confinement nanny. She wants to always bottle feed baby so can sleep longer and keeps saying my milk not enough. Of course not enough compared to your 60ml formula lah!!
thanks raoow! I didn't prepare any formula milk at home. Why not you throw away the FM? My mum is helping me with the confinement, so I will stick to BF.


Anybody looking for confinement nanny? I have mine to highly recommend. She is very experienced and used to be from a reputable agency but now working on her own so looking for clients. She can cook excellent confinement dishes, have knowledge of herbs and TCM. Her handling of baby is highly raved. She sings n talks to my boy when he is awake. Can tell she is very passionate in her work.. My boy was born 3.20kg but now he's a month old and almost 4.5kg! She is pro-breastfeeding and even helped me to get hot towel to massage my breasts. My BM is over productive thanks to her cooking.. So I am helping her to find her next customer as she is very good! Interested pls PM me, I am sure she will be very popular once she is in the market for sometime n not bounded by agency. U can quote my name to get a discount!


Thanks kcws for the update! It's really helpful :) :)
yes stellaC! I m also wondering the same thing about showering n washing of hands!
a mummy - does glens provide like bath towels in case I need to shower? Ha..
any mummies donating the cord blood to public instead of private? We just decided and they must take 3 tubes of blood before I pop. As if I m not in enough pain :(
still waiting patiently for my turn.. Will try to enjoy the last week!


Congrats Yanting and kcws!! I've been missing in action past few days as the iPhone app kept kicking me out and I didn't have access to a laptop.

How is everyone so far? I'm struggling with my confinement nanny. She wants to always bottle feed baby so can sleep longer and keeps saying my milk not enough. Of course not enough compared to your 60ml formula !!
Hi raoow, do not feed your baby with FM if you want to breast feed, this will lower down your supply. And new born baby don't need to drink so much.

Try talk to someone who do full breastfeed to encourage you, ask your CL stop talking that you don't have enough milk. Every new mummy need time to boost up supply. My sister in law dont' have milk at first 2 week at all, she manage to bf her baby more than 6 month. You can do it also.


Hi mummies, was just looking at the thread cos it reminded me of myself last year! I'm a sept mummy too! My boy will be 1 on 24th:)
Have been fully bf my boy for close to a year now. I remember it was tough at first, with baby crying for milk every few hours. It makes u wonder if u have enough milk. But don't give in easily to fm! Just let nature take its course! If there's demand, there'll be supply:) let baby continue suckling and latching and ur supply will be established:)
Drink plenty of fluids and soups! It may be painful at first, bear with it and ur body will get used to it.
Have a great journey ahead with ur loved one mummies:)


Mummies who have given birth.. I have questions regarding post-delivery care.. Hope u all can share.

Did u all shower after delivery? Or "confinement" rules kick in already and cannot shower? How to keep clean down there since menses come and we cannot shower? And also I heard from a friend that we should avoid touching water, her hand was in great pain after her confinement cos she kept washing her hands. So cannot wash hands or wash face?
and any constipation? That's my greatest fear of all :(
Dear mummies, don't touch cool water after birth, if really necessary use HOT WATER instead. I keep washing my hand now the 2nd day can feel numbness on my pump >_<

Can request medicine to soften ur bowel :)


Congrats Yanting and kcws!! I've been missing in action past few days as the iPhone app kept kicking me out and I didn't have access to a laptop.

How is everyone so far? I'm struggling with my confinement nanny. She wants to always bottle feed baby so can sleep longer and keeps saying my milk not enough. Of course not enough compared to your 60ml formula lah!!
Raoow, keep BF, ur milk supply will boost up according to baby demand, at least 3hrly. Indeed baby do not need a lot breast milk as almost 100% will absorb by the baby. Formula need more milk cos baby won't able to digest all n will end up in bowel. Keep it on, you can do it.


Dear mummies who diagnose with Group Streps B, especially 2nd baby. If have any sign of labour, especially if WATER burst. RUSH to hospital IMMEDIATELY n informed them u have GSB. My water burst on 1.10am, by the time I'm in delivery suite already 3am+ I inform them once i get in the delivery suite, not sure when they put in the antibiotic drip. But, my progress very fast, my baby born 5.28am, only one dose of antibiotic able to drip, they need 2 dose.

I discharged today but my baby need to be warded in ICU cos they suspect he got infection as he keep vomiting :'(

clumsy smurf

New Member
my bb ard 2.8, tis morning my below bleeding but no stomach pain, called doc n nurse asked me to let doc check, so later 3 plus wil. c doc, how abt ur bb?


Oh dear.. Kcws - I hope ur baby recovers soon and will be ok. Don't worry too much. Is he feeding well?
thanks for informing us so that we will all know. So kind of you.
do rest well yourself as you will need the energy to shuttle back and forth hospital from home?


Wow! haven't been logging here over the weekend and saw that quite a few mummies have popped the babies!! :Dancing_wub:

& Yiks & yanting & kcws & Jerlynn: congrats congrats!

Congrats yanting! Well done
me waiting for your good news too!
I m still waiting too! The number of us left will get fewer..
yea, last few inlcuding me! 23rd sept. 2 more weeks to go.

Thanks! She is quite tiny, 2.6kg only at 39w. I ask for total breast feeding and she latched on for some colostrum just now. Quite amazing, I tried massaging my breast yesterday and nothing came out. And colostrum comes after I delivered.
i think my baby will also be around 2.6kg when my time comes.

Colostrum is the best for the baby! Anyway, it's normal that there's no milk for the first few days. don't give up, jusst keep massaging or expressing.
Mummies who have given birth.. I have questions regarding post-delivery care.. Hope you all can share.

Did you all shower after delivery? Or "confinement" rules kick in already and cannot shower? How to keep clean down there since menses come and we cannot shower? And also I heard from a friend that we should avoid touching water, her hand was in great pain after her confinement cos she kept washing her hands. So cannot wash hands or wash face?
and any constipation? That's my greatest fear of all :(

I heard about the pain in the hand after confinement too. I am told we can bath using herbs from TCM, or water which is boiled. Can wash hair, but must blow dry immediately. I believe in the old wives' tale so am just going to follow the confinement rules.

Congrats Yanting and kcws!! I've been missing in action past few days as the iPhone app kept kicking me out and I didn't have access to a laptop.

How is everyone so far? I'm struggling with my confinement nanny. She wants to always bottle feed baby so can sleep longer and keeps saying my milk not enough. Of course not enough compared to your 60ml formula !!
My antenatal class taught me to bf for at least the first month. It's normal to have not enough milk for the first few days or week. just keep trying!


my bb ard 2.8, tis morning my below bleeding but no stomach pain, called doc n nurse asked me to let doc check, so later 3 plus wil. c doc, how abt ur bb?
I had bleeding and called hospital and they asked me to go down to check also. And there was contraction just that I didn't feel it.


Dear mummies who diagnose with Group Streps B, especially 2nd baby. If have any sign of labour, especially if WATER burst. RUSH to hospital IMMEDIATELY n informed them u have GSB. My water burst on 1.10am, by the time I'm in delivery suite already 3am+ I inform them once i get in the delivery suite, not sure when they put in the antibiotic drip. But, my progress very fast, my baby born 5.28am, only one dose of antibiotic able to drip, they need 2 dose.

I discharged today but my baby need to be warded in ICU cos they suspect he got infection as he keep vomiting :'(
Hope he recover soon! You take a good rest so that you have energy to take care of dear son when he is discharged!


Dear mummies, just gave birth to a baby girl this noon. 3kg via induced. Just warded to a room..anyway mine was an induced case, so below is my experience...

Was inserted with a pill ard 12 midnight to soften d cervix..gradually i start feeling contraction ard 5am..still bearable at 30plus pain rate. Suddenly waterbag burst at 530am n i was pushed to d delivery ward cos cervix open fr 1.5cm to 5cm? that was when i suddenly have intense pain..it really like a steep hill..fr 30plus to 120plus..not prepared at all..tried to endure but failed..so at 6cm dialation, i hv to take epi..moreover today 9Sept so auspicious that all anesthesians r fully booked so d nurse got to run out n grabbed any doc available..luckily i still able to take epi..n then relieved..

So mummies, if u r induced case i think u may want to talk with ur gynae on what may happen on d day n ur options available..dont b like me almost got no anesthesian to admister epi or d anesthesian may take some time to arrive ur delivery ward n u may b in high pain..

But having said this, each mummy r brave in ur own way, so this is my two cents worth.


chweewy: congrats!!

Yah, i have heard that is we last minute opt for eipdural, may cost higher as well, because they gota find the anesthesians.

Anyone knows the rate of epidural?