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  1. paperger85

    Recommended games for learning

    Personally, I try not to let my daughter play games on my phone or tablet. She's turning 3 and has only played one game on my iphone. When I'm with her, I play blocks with her and sometimes even games like Jenga which requires fine motor skills. :)
  2. paperger85

    Any good & sincere Lawyer to recommend for divorce/separation

    After going through free legal consultations and discussion with other divorce parents, I decided that I will file my own divorce instead of going through a lawyer. As my divorce is uncontested, all I need to do is to submit all the application on my own which I estimate will cost me about $500...
  3. paperger85

    Any good & sincere Lawyer to recommend for divorce/separation

    Hi Jes, does she allow payment by installments?
  4. paperger85

    feeling lonely...

    I feel the same way as you. My girl is 22 months old and me and husband is heading for a divorce because he had another woman outside. He was even shameless enough to call me with the woman beside him and ask me to talk to her. Sighs... I try to fill my time with work or I will find friends to...
  5. paperger85

    Any good & sincere Lawyer to recommend for divorce/separation

    Hi mummies, I am also planning for divorce. Any good lawyers to recommend? I would like to get the divorce done asap as I cannot stand my husband and his mistress who has been together for 9 months. He said that he will not contest for our child's custody and has even agreed to let me change my...
  6. paperger85

    Baby Doesn't Not Want To Stop?

    I did let her try a few different samples but she seem to refuse them all.
  7. paperger85

    Baby Doesn't Not Want To Stop?

    My girl is turning 18 months soon. I have been thinking of stopping breastfeeding but it seems that she only takes more milk when latching on and she refuses to take FM. My mil now mixes 100mls of my EBM to 60mls of FM. She has tried to increase the amount of FM but my girl just refuses to...
  8. paperger85

    Re: Any Mum Still Pumping Breast Milk While At Work?

    My girl is 13 month old. I returned to work when she is 4 months old and I have been pumping and I have no plans to stop anytime soon. :)
  9. paperger85

    Giving Water to a Baby??

    I have also seen mummies feeding baby with water when clearly baby is hungry. Here comes my question, do you tell the mother that we shouldn't be giving baby so much water and letting them know that they are in fact harming their babies by feeding them with so much water?
  10. paperger85

    Food for 1 yr old

    Hey meiteoh, i've been trying to find the page where you blogged about cheese but i can't seem to find it. can you do me a favor and post up the link so that i can go read? thank you in advance!
  11. paperger85

    The end to my BF journey??

    Maybe you can try Fernugeek? I took Fernugeek and my supply increased about 30mls.
  12. paperger85

    Is baby carrier recommended for infants?

    It is recommended that we use a sling up to baby is 4 months old before we use a carrier. I bought a BabyBjorn initially but sold it off as my baby is very heavy and the BabyBjorn balances their weight on their crotch area and it was uncomfortable for my girl. I bought a Manduca carrier later...
  13. paperger85

    Help! Baby Diarrhea, Can feeding Breastmilk?

    My dear, breastmilk will never go back if it is inside you.
  14. paperger85

    When did ur baby start to crawl??

    My girl also started crawling at 9 months. Before that is was all commando crawling. heehee...
  15. paperger85

    Induced labour

    missymelody, it is actually not recommended to induce baby. it is okay to be late by even one week. also, induced labour is more painful than natural labour. give your baby some time, she will be out when she is ready.
  16. paperger85

    irresponsible baby's father?

    My husband is one of those who will not lift a finger to help. Since my girl was born, I have been trying to engage him in her care, to get him to help change her diaper, wipe her, or bathe her but he don't like to do it at all. He always claims that he is afraid he drop her in water, put on...
  17. paperger85

    irresponsible baby's father?

    I think it is the same for many men. My husband is also one who is afraid of handling our girl. I have been taking care of her since she was born. My husband tends to panic the moment our girl cry.
  18. paperger85

    Which brand of diapers?

    I recommend the brand Nepia. It is very similar to Mamypoko albeit at a cheaper price. Give it a try, you will not regret it.
  19. paperger85

    hi mummies, do you all read blogs??

    I read blogs and I have a blog on my own. Pls PM me to link up your blog!
  20. paperger85

    epidural or oxyen gas...

    You can check out the breathing techniques here Breathing techniques for labour You can use the techniques when you are using the gas and not just when pushing.