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  1. F

    Blood & mucus in stools!!!

    Hi mommies, anyone has had problems with their bowel movements? I've been having very bad gas/wind and been having white color mucus secretions whenever i pass motion. Yesterday, it became pretty bad - the only thing that came out was the mucus but it was all bloody! I have had this problem...
  2. F

    Horrible headaches! Help!!

    Do anyone of you have constant recurring headaches that last day and night? How do you deal with them? I have been getting really bad ones that can last up to 2 days, and so bad that it wakes me up from my sleep even. I will have the headaches, go to sleep and wake up feeling the same :( I...
  3. F

    when did you start putting on weight?

    hello ladies! i'm a newbie to the forum and a first-time mommy as well :) Just tested couple of days ago (twice) and got a positive! It is not a planned pregnancy, so me and hubby are shock & happy & excited! Really unexpected coz we just got married in Jan. Ok, my question is, when exactly...