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  1. Z

    At what age did your child start walking?

    My 14 month old boy started walking a couple of weeks ago. He still holds his arms out in front of him for balance sometimes, but he can walk quite fast and far at home. Outside, I haven't let him try walking much because I also have a stroller to watch over.
  2. Z

    How long can I leave baby's cooked food out at rm temp and still let him eat it?

    Now that my baby is eating loads of semi-solids, I'd like to know how long his food can be kept at room temperature and still be safe for him to eat. We've prepared and frozen some foods in ice cube trays. Some are just refrigerated, not frozen. We heat these foods up for him to eat. Naturally...
  3. Z

    How do I increase my 9 month old son's appetite and weight?

    My son was born 3.79kg, pretty big for a newborn. I think in the 75th percentile? But now, at 9 months, he's only 8.8 something kg (taken at last measurement a week ago). How do I increase his appetite and his weight? :embarrassed:
  4. Z

    Is it ok to let my 9-month-old try durian?

    This question's been on my mind these couple of days. Not sure if I should let my 9 month old son try durian, because it's heaty and very sweet. But, my husband and I like to eat durian, so it would seem a capital crime if our son doesn't. And it's an acquired taste, right? Plus, now is the time...
  5. Z

    What and how much should my soon-to-be 6 month old baby boy be eating?

    My son is going to be 6 months old in ten days. This is my first child, so I'm not sure how much solids to breast or formula milk I should be giving him. He is about 7.6kg now (have not't weighed him in the last week) and is starting to grow baby teeth. What is the ratio of breast/formula milk...
  6. Z

    5 1/2 mth old baby boy lose weight - due to teething pain?

    My baby boy is 5 1/2 months old. At his last doctor's visit, he had already doubled his birth weight of 3.79kg. But these few days, when we carry him, he sometimes feels heavier and sometimes feels lighter. Could this be due to teething? I've read that when babies are teething, their appetite...
  7. Z

    Is it really necessary to put my baby's nose to the grindstone?

    I read an article in 23.10.10's Sunday Lifestyle section about kids who are getting ABRSM Piano Grade 8 before they become teens, and that these kids started piano lessons at the age of 2 (or close). They skipped grades. There was also a violin prodigy, I think. The week before that, there...
  8. Z

    Questions about 6-in-1 vaccination

    My 2-month-old baby had his 6-in-1 vaccination at KK Private Children's Clinic on 20 July 2010, one day after he turned 2 months old. Problem is, I thought that was the only injection he was taking that day. Only when I got him into the vaccination room did the nurses tell me that they were...
  9. Z

    Which car seat do you find best?

    My baby boy is 2 months and 3 days old. Before he was born, I bought a Maxi Cosi Cabrio Fix Cameroon car seat for him that's supposedly for newborns to 1 year old, but already I find the car seat seems too tight a fit for him. He's 5.85kg, 61cm tall. What car seat do you find good?
  10. Z

    Choosing a primary school - when and how?

    My son is two months old and I'm already thinking of what primary school I want to send him to. That's because I've heard that you must either: 1. do volunteer work in the school 2. be an alumni of the school (not possible for me cos I went to a girls' school) 3. live within 1 km of the school...
  11. Z

    Which car seat do you find best?

    My baby boy is 2 months and 3 days old. I bought a Maxi Cosi Cabrio Fix Cameroon car seat for him that's supposedly for newborns to 1 year old, but already I find the car seat seems uncomfortable for him. He's 5.85kg, 61cm tall. What car seat do you buy for your baby?