
  1. L

    How to enjoy your first trimester

    How To Remain Chill and Enjoy Your Pregnancy: First Trimester I have written a post on How to Remain Chill and Enjoy Your Pregnancy. Please check it, leave a comment so I can improve on my writing and provide better help to expectant mothers. Thanks so much for visiting. The Chill Mom: How To...
  2. L

    5 tips to relief back pain during pregnancy

    I suffered from back pain almost throughout my pregnancy. In fact, I have this nagging lower back pain every time I have my menses. But apparently I am not alone. Back pain during pregnancy is a common complaint. You're gaining weight, your center of gravity changes and your hormones are...
  3. L

    5 tips to relief back pain during pregnancy

    I suffered from back pain almost throughout my pregnancy. In fact, I have this nagging lower back pain every time I have my menses. But apparently I am not alone. Back pain during pregnancy is a common complaint. You're gaining weight, your center of gravity changes and your hormones are...
  4. L

    How to remain chill and enjoy your first trimester

    Hi soon-to-be mommies! My friends have always labelled me as a chill mom, and asking me how I do it. So I decided to share and blog about it here: Domestic Goddess on Probation: How To Remain Chill and Enjoy Your Pregnancy: First Trimester Do comment and let me know what you think!
  5. L

    3 Things I Wish I Knew Before I Had Kids

    11. The lack of sleep Sure, everyone would warn you about what little sleep you'll have once the baby arrived. But you thought, hey it can't be that bad. Surely babies sleep a lot and I can then sleep as much too. SO WRONG! I tried the nap while baby naps method but guess what? Baby's sleeping...
  6. Honeyfiedcherry

    WTS $10 Spring Maternity Gift Voucher

    Hi mummies, Selling off $10 Spring Maternity gift voucher for $5 with postage . Minimum spend $20 which is quite low ! Email or pm for more details .
  7. C

    Trying for 1 yr...suggestion please

    Hi, I am 23 and married for 1year+. First time I conceived was Feb 2012, but it was a miscarriage after 15days of missed MC. My hubby and I was trying since then, but no luck yet. Before 2 months ie.,October , we have consulted Dr. Roland Cheing, and he gave some tips and asked us to try...
  8. M

    ante natal class / breast feeding class

    GOOD NEWS One more channel to learn about Ante natal class besides hospital, mainly to create awareness to working or busy mummies and well conducted by our professionals..Drop me an email if u keen. PROGRAM COVER NOTE TITLE OF PROGRAM: Ante- natal care workshop / Parent craft...
  9. Plushbabe

    Maternity shots, Prenatal Yoga for couples & more!

    Join us for an exciting afternoon of talks for both mommies and daddys-to-be this Saturday, 13 October 2012! Activities include: Complimentary maternity shoot Prenatal yoga (light excercise session for couples) Interesting and informational talks on birthing, and daddy's role during labour...
  10. I

    Trainee Doula in Singapore

    Hello, I am a trainee Doula in Singapore looking for pregnant women who would like support during their pregnancy, delivery and post-natally. I have a beautiful boy myself and the most special day in my life has been the day I met him for the first time, with the help of our doula, my husband...
  11. W


    How did you keep your sanity during the 2WW? How early did you test before getting a BFP?
  12. W

    Ovulation positive

    Hi Everyone! Has anyone had a positive on a otk for more then 3 days?? :bbconfused:
  13. A

    Invitation to a Public Forum on Pregnancy

    Dear All, We would like to invite you to VICTORIOUS LIVING: EMPOWERING PREGNANCY a Public Forum on Maternal Health. Here is the program outline. 1.00pm - 2.00pm REGISTRATION 2.00pm - 2.25pm TAKING CARE OF YOURSELF DURING PREGNANCY...
  14. S - Great Resource For Mums-To-Be in Singapore

    I am loving the new Little Steps Singapore site - lots of fun ideas for pregnancy. Also, you can sign up for their bi-monthly newsletters which are great bursts of inspiration and fun stuff for kids in the city.
  15. T

    Is it safe to take antidepressants during pregnancy?

    Is it safe to take antidepressants during pregnancy? I've been feeling a little down lately and I was thinking on taking some antidepressants, but then I came across this article on the web about birth defects from prozac. What do you think?
  16. L

    Third Trimester Pregnancy Resources

    Hi, During my first pregnancy I have searched for pregnancy week by week information to know particular week changes. Luckily I had found so many resources to know. Here I am providing third trimester pregnancy weeks resources. I hope it will be helpful to new pregnancy members. 27...
  17. L

    Second Trimester Pregnancy Resources!

    Hi, During my first pregnancy I have searched for pregnancy week by week information to know particular week changes. Luckily I had found so many resources to know. Here I am providing second trimester pregnancy weeks resources. I hope it will be helpful to new pregnancy members. 14 weeks...
  18. L

    First Trimester Pregnancy Resources!

    Hi, This is my second Pregnancy and during my first pregnancy I have searched for week by week pregnancy information and luckily I had found very good information on online. Recently I have searched trimester wise pregnancy information to know what are the changes will come in my body as well...
  19. P

    Win a Diaper/Nappy Bag

    Hi Mums, I just wanted to let you know there is currently a very easy contest to win a diaper/nappy bag (with a portable rest area for your baby). All you have to do is submit a photo of your baby bump to SootheTIME -Solutions for Baby & You | Facebook (see the photo contest tab) and get your...
  20. L

    Having Heavy Back pain at week 35 pregnancy?

    My cousin have severe lower back pain, she is now 35 weeks pregnant. is this dangerous during pregnancy.