15month immunization MMR

Hi all mummies,

Have u heard of MMR immunization (usually done at 15 month) causing autism?

Kindly kindly share your views on the topic. I really really want to know! :notworthy: :notworthy::notworthy::notworthy::notworthy:
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The MMR programme started in Britain in 1988. By this time, children in the United States had been having the MMR vaccine for over 15 years with no safety problems.

-- Worldwide, more than 500 million doses of the MMR vaccine have been given in over 100 countries.

-- The World Health Organization says about the MMR vaccine, 'its safety record is exemplary'.

-- In the year before the vaccine was introduced in the UK, 86,000 children caught measles and 16 died.

-- Because of the MMR vaccine, no child has died from acute measles in the UK since 1992.

-- Before the vaccine was introduced, mumps was the commonest cause of viral meningitis in children.

-- Because of the MMR vaccine, we are now close to wiping out mumps in children.

-- Before the MMR vaccine was introduced, rubella continued to cause terrible damage to some unborn babies.

-- Because of the MMR vaccine, we are now close to wiping out rubella.

-- There has never been a programme of giving single vaccines against measles, mumps and rubella in the UK.


-- No. This leaflet will give you the facts.


-- The speculation over a link between the MMR vaccine and autism started in 1998 when some scientists published a paper on 12 autistic children who also had bowel problems. Although the scientists stated clearly that there was no proven link between autism and the MMR vaccine, the resulting publicity gave the impression that there was a link.

-- The number of children being diagnosed with autistic spectrum disorders (conditions related to autism) has been increasing for many years. Some people took this as an indication that the increase was caused by the MMR vaccine.

-- Many parents of autistic children know that there is something different about their child very early on. But some babies may appear to develop signs of autism when they are older. This type of autism, called regressive autism, was known about long before the MMR vaccine was introduced.

Symptoms of regressive autism often start around the same time that the first dose of the MMR vaccine is given. So it's understandable that parents worry about there being a connection between the two events.


-- If the MMR vaccine and autism were linked, regressive autism would be far more common in vaccinated children than in unvaccinated ones. But this is not the case.

-- If the MMR vaccine caused autism, there would have been a sudden increase in cases when the vaccine was introduced into Britain. This didn't happen. You would also expect to see a fall in cases of autism if the MMR vaccine was withdrawn. In Japan, that didn't happen when they stopped using the MMR vaccine and used a single measles and a single rubella vaccine instead.

-- Extensive research into the possibility of a link between the MMR vaccine and autism, involving hundreds of thousands of children, has been carried out in Denmark, Sweden, Finland, the USA and the UK. No link has been found.

-- Experts from around the world, including the World Health Organization, agree that there is no link between the MMR vaccine and autism.


No. There has been no sudden increase in autism in any country after the MMR vaccine was introduced. This wouldn't be the case if the MMR vaccine caused autism.


Autistic spectrum disorders probably result from a range of causes. The strongest evidence to date points to there being a genetic link.

The chances of a child developing autism are no different if they have the combined MMR vaccine, single measles, single mumps and single rubella vaccines, or no vaccines at all.

All the latest research shows that there is no evidence to say that the MMR vaccine causes autism. Work continues to find out what the real causes are.

Why can't my child have single vaccines?

-- All the evidence shows that the MMR vaccine is the safest way to protect your child against measles, mumps and rubella. -- In the time gaps between the three vaccines, children would not be protected against the diseases they had not yet been immunised against. So there would be an increase in measles, mumps and rubella leading to illness and possible death. Also, unprotected children can pass on these diseases to other at risk children and pregnant women.

-- Choice is important, but the NHS cannot offer a choice of single vaccines that would put children at risk.

-- Not everybody will be able to finish the course of six injections (initial dose and second dose) and so some children will be left unprotected.

-- The World Health Organization advises against using separate vaccines because they would leave children at risk for no benefit. No other country in the world recommends that children should be immunised against measles, mumps and rubella in three separate vaccines, twice over.


From birth, babies' immune systems protect them from the germs that surround them. Without this protection, babies would not be able to cope with the tens of thousands of bacteria and viruses that cover their skin, nose, throat and intestines. This protection carries on throughout the child's life. A baby could respond safely and effectively to around 10,000 vaccines at any one time. So the baby's immune system can and does easily cope with the MMR vaccine.


I think a lot of people don't really know what autism is, that's why. It is not something you get or develop along the way but a condition you are born with. If more people knew that, then such silly mis-conceptions would not exist.
I think a lot of people dont't really know what autism is, that's why. It is not something you get or develop along the way but a condition you are born with. If more people knew that, then such silly mis-conceptions would not exist.

:win::win::win::win::win::win::win: exactly, dodo mummy


New Member
Hi all,

From what I know, vaccines are not 100% safe. There is 1% of the vaccinated kids who are damaged from vaccines, and is on the increase.
What pineappletart's info is showing only one side of the vaccines, but not the other side of vaccines, that is extreme side effects which a lot of pple do not know of.

Does anyone knows that pple or kids who are immuno suppressed cannot take vaccines, as there is a possibility they can die from being vaccinated? I agree MMR is not directly link to autism, however any vaccines do carry the risk of causing autism, brain damage and other serious side effects to a child.

Ian's Voice Home Page
This is a real life story of
Ian Larsen Gromowski who died of an adverse reaction to the hepatitis B vaccine at the age of 1.5mth old. Not every baby will die of a bad reaction to hepatitis B vaccine, but it'll affect those babies who are born prematurely, with defects, etc.

This is also a real life story of a healthy girl who became autistic after her MMR jab.

These examples shows us that vaccines are not 100% safe, and as parents we should educate ourselves on the pros and cons of vaccines rather than just believing one side of the story. Every child's constitution is different, therefore will react differently to a same vaccine. Always ask to read the package insert of the vaccine, it'll show the ingredients it consist of, and the adverse reactions to the vaccine.

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica]Expert Pediatrician Exposes Vaccine Myths
Expert Pediatrician Exposes Vaccine Myths

[/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica]This website is created by Dr Mercola as he start to see more children affected by vaccines. He created this website to educate pple more about vaccines. The Difference between Natural Immunity and Vaccine-lnduced Immunity, Dangers of Combining Vaccines, Concept of Herd Immunity, Are Some Vaccines Safer Than Others? issues etc. are being discussed.

Extracted from the link:

[/FONT]Are Some Vaccines Safer Than Others?
Many may be surprised by Dr. Palevsky’s answer:
“… in my research of the vaccines, and of the basic microbiology and virology that we’re trained to know in our medical training, I cannot understand how a vaccine with a virus can be safe.”
What most people dont’t know is that a virus is not “alive,” per se.

It is simply a piece or strand of either RNA or DNA. And even of itself, a virus can’t “do” anything. In addition it is so tiny that it can only be seen under an electron microscope. It is much smaller than bacteria, which can only be seen in the regular microscope. So viruses cannot be isolated when you make a viral vaccine. All that can be isolated is the tissue, whether it’s human tissue or animal tissue that is believed to have been infected by that specific virus that you’re trying to isolate.

So when a viral culture or a set of cultures are made including the specific virus, you’re going to have the DNA of people or animals who were already infected. Those cells are then taken and grown on animal cells, whether it's monkey kidney cells or chicken embryo cells.

When mixed together, these cells will splice and recombine, which means that DNA from animal cells are going to mix with DNA from the known infected cells with the virus.

So by definition, a viral vaccine contains foreign animal and, even possibly, foreign human DNA. That’s why if you have an egg allergy, you shouldn’t get certain vaccines because it is known that there’s going to be egg protein in the vaccine.
So the question is, how safe is it to inject viral material that is embedded into the DNA of foreign DNA cells?

What studies have been done to actually test whether foreign DNA is getting into your body; whether it stays in your DNA; whether it gets into your brain; and whether there are foreign animal viruses that are inherently present in animal DNA to begin with?

The Dangers of Combining Vaccines
One issue that is frequently ignored is the potential harm from the synergy of combinations of vaccines, which have never been studied.
No one knows whether there’s interaction between the bacteria and the viruses in the vaccines administered as part of the childhood vaccination schedule, or if there is interaction in the trace thimerosal (which is still in some of the multi-vials of certain vaccines), or the large amount of aluminum that is in many of them.

Dr. Palevsky says:“There is a scientist named Boyd Haley, who has actually looked into some of the vaccine ingredients and (1) what happens to nerve cells when you inject them in the lab to specific vaccine ingredients, and (2) what happens to the nerve cells when you keep adding another vaccine ingredient.

He specifically showed that in the presence of thimerosal, there’s a lot of damage to nerve cells. When you add aluminum to the thimerosal, you need less thimerosal to create the damage to the immune and nerve cells in the presence of aluminum.

Then when you add neomycin – an antibiotic in some of the vaccines – it potentiates the potency of nerve cell damage with aluminum and mercury together.

And when you culture the nerve cells and testosterone, versus estrogen, and you expose them to some of the vaccine ingredients like thimerosal, you actually see that the nerve cells that are exposed to testosterone are more damaged in greater amounts than the nerve cells that are bathed in estrogen.

That raises some concern because we do see that children with neurodevelopmental disorders are 4:1, boys to girls.
So you have to question whether testosterone actually makes children more vulnerable to exposure to toxins like mercury, aluminum or their combination?

None of these studies have been done in humans. People say, “We can’t do those studies.” And I say, “Why not?” They say, “It’s unethical.”
I say, “Well, if it’s unethical to do those studies on vaccine ingredients and combining them together, then it’s unethical to give the vaccines in general.”

So we’re missing a lot of important data that we won’t believe, and we’re also missing a lot of important data that we won’t accumulate because most of the studies that are done are by the manufacturers of the vaccines themselves.”
To believe this article or not is up to you. With these websites like www.mercola.com and National Vaccine Information Center ? Vaccine Watch Dog , they are created to educate the public on the side effects of vaccine and how to prevent severe side effects from happening to yr child. Just like there will be no smoke without fire, which shows the existence of their websites..

Educate yrself and make informed choices for yr children now.