**2011** Rabbit Mama Pls Gather here **

After giving birth really must cut down on my sugar intake and rice already. Ate too much. Don't know can get use it it later or not.
for the first few mth will be a bit difficult lor.. cos we have been eating so much for 10 mth... so we need time to go back to our normal meal kekek.. cos when i have my son also like this... kekek


yah man, i normally dont take any carbo, no rice, no pasta no bread...but since pregnant been eating it...
i think once we think about getting back in shape, we can work hard one :p

After giving birth really must cut down on my sugar intake and rice already. Ate too much. Don't know can get use it it later or not.


it really does i think. i asked my mom how she lose weight after giving birth to my sis & I , coz from our babies photos, she was slim very fast!
she said breastfeed and do housework after confinement make her lose all her weight...and also taking care of us. she say if i so lazy, before birth and after birth also dun do housework, then i can forget about slimming down :p

I really need to motivate myself to lose the weight after birth. I heard that bfing helps to lose weight!


But i thought we are supposed to rest during confinement month.

Also I went for antenatal class under KKH, and the physiotherapist said that we should start to do all these only after 6-8 weeks. Else, will have backaches and pains... I am not going to touch the housework for 2 mths to avoid these. Maybe the 3rd mth onwards can start to do light brisk walking...and 4th mth - proceed to jogging and sit ups..

All being said - maybe I won't even have the time to do exercise because bb takes up all my time. hohohohoho...


Active Member
it really does i think. i asked my mom how she lose weight after giving birth to my sis & I , coz from our babies photos, she was slim very fast!
she said breastfeed and do housework after confinement make her lose all her weight...and also taking care of us. she say if i so lazy, before birth and after birth also dun do housework, then i can forget about slimming down :p
I hope that I got milk to bfeed, if not difficult to slim back.


yah, my mum also said will leak milk even before the baby is born... but not until later stages.

papaya milk does help, but please make sure it is papaya + fresh milk, i saw some food court using papaya + condensed milk ! OMG !!


Really? during preggy will leak out milk de arr?
Leak abit. Like 20 cent coin. It's quite annoying. Plus cos I'm usually at home, so dun wear bra. So can see on the shirt. And you can actually feel when it leaking, got tingling sensation. But I realised that when I wear bra, it sort of stops? Hahas.


Active Member
yah, my mum also said will leak milk even before the baby is born... but not until later stages.

papaya milk does help, but please make sure it is papaya + fresh milk, i saw some food court using papaya + condensed milk ! OMG !!
Some pregnant ladies will leak milk, but mostly around 8th or 9th month. I'm 8th mth now, no milk and small breasts. :)