Advice on bella/maternity waist band


Active Member

Any mummy has used or is using a bella or maternity waist band to help support your growing belly throughout your pregnancy? i am considering buying one, but as they cost a lot, i hope to get some advice, tips, recommendations, reviews etc before sinking in the investment. when do mummies here start wearing those bands? i am now in my 18th week and already feeling the strain sometimes, partly cos my work does require me to walk around a lot sometimes.



New Member
I discovered this brand called Gennie. it's a japanese brand. But the cheaper place to get it will be in Taiwan followed by Hong Kong. You can try online as well. Gennie's 奇妮æœ￾è£￾股份有é™￾å…¬å￾¸


Any mummy has used or is using a bella or maternity waist band to help support your growing belly throughout your pregnancy? i am considering buying one, but as they cost a lot, i hope to get some advice, tips, recommendations, reviews etc before sinking in the investment. when do mummies here start wearing those bands? i am now in my 18th week and already feeling the strain sometimes, partly cos my work does require me to walk around a lot sometimes.



Active Member
I was looking for the fashion waist belt (is it how that's called? the one which looks like a "tube" but you wear around your tummy so you can still wear your pre-preggie bottoms, unbuttoned). It costs a ridiculous $49 for a simple piece of small cloth.

I got crafty and took out my old camisole (cost me only $5 from forever21) and snipped the sphagetti straps away. And I wear it like how I wanted it to be and it works. Just fold the top part and fold it outside in. Just make sure the camisole is tight and stretchable in the first place and it will work fine.