Any MTB & Mummy Bring a CD or DVD to record detail scan?


Well-Known Member
Hi all MTB & Mummy may i ask do u bring any CD or DVD to record the 20 Weeks Detail Scan?? cause i hear some of the mummy say that the hospital actually give them a recorded DVD home.. i'm doing my Detail Scan Next month @ KKH.. So happy :wong19:


Well-Known Member
i dont know there will be dvd given for detailed scan. i tot that's for 3/4D scan?
KK dont allow us to record in any ways, be it your own vcd or dvd or camcorder. i tried bringing empty dvd and sonographer said cannot record.


I did mine at Thomson Medical, and was given 1 cd to keep.I was pleasantly surprised to receive it as I was not told beforehand. Thought the usual pic only.


Well-Known Member
I did mine at Thomson Medical, and was given 1 cd to keep.I was pleasantly surprised to receive it as I was not told beforehand. Thought the usual pic only.
i also done it at TMC, how come i dont have?????!!!!!!!!! booohoooooooo~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ =(


Well-Known Member
haiz... lost hope.. TMC so good de.. got give CD to keep..zzz but as long as my hubby can go in with me.. i'm ok.. no choice..:nah:


i also done it at Thomson Medical Center, how come i dont have?????!!!!!!!!! booohoooooooo~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ =(
Yahhhh lorrrrr...I also did mine @ Thomson Medical...But never get any copy of CD...Only got those pics printed on A4 sized papers...!!! BOOOHOOOOO....!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Yahhhh lorrrrr...I also did mine @ Thomson Medical...But never get any copy of CD...Only got those pics printed on A4 sized papers...!!! BOOOHOOOOO....!!!!!!!
ya mine also!! a pathetic A4 size paper... now i kinda regret that i didnt do 4D scan!!! ARGHZ!!
at least TMC give A4 size pictures, the sonographer only give me 2 pics, those small one that gynae used to give every visit. even more pathetic right? but never mind the most important is we get to experience the detailed scan of our lil one.


New Member
I think the CD is only for those taking 4D-scan.

I called up Thomson today to ask if we can bring a cd to record now the scan. They say for normal 2D scan cannot be recorded, only 4D-scan can.

For my first child, my hubby was in with me for the whole session about 30mins. dun noe why from the other thread, some say hubby can only go in after that. dun understand y can't, cos it just a normal scan like what we did in the clinic, just that it is longer...

I am going for my detail scan at Thomson later. Will update if my hubby is able to be in for the whole session.


Well-Known Member
I think the CD is only for those taking 4D-scan.

I called up Thomson today to ask if we can bring a cd to record now the scan. They say for normal 2D scan cannot be recorded, only 4D-scan can.

For my first child, my hubby was in with me for the whole session about 30mins. dont know why from the other thread, some say hubby can only go in after that. dont understand why can't, cos it just a normal scan like what we did in the clinic, just that it is longer...

I am going for my detail scan at Thomson later. Will update if my hubby is able to be in for the whole session.
yup my hubby also with me the whole process.. haha


Yahhhh lorrrrr...I also did mine @ Thomson Medical...But never get any copy of CD...Only got those pics printed on A4 sized papers...!!! BOOOHOOOOO....!!!!!!!

Same. Nobody told me about the recording thing till weeks after my detail scan was done then i found out. Haiz. Nvm lah. At least we got the pics printed on A4 paper.


Frankly speaking, i didn't do any 4d scanning. I only did my detailed scanning at Thomson as my own gynae referred me to the HEad(antenatal or something) due to my complicated conditions (high risk+twins++). Like a second opinion. So i only went to Thomson twice only to do detailed scanning. 1st time at 16weeks, given some small pics(cost abt $200+). 2nd detailed scanning at 20weeks, given a cd with the pic(cost abt $300+due to twins scanning). So, when i was given the cd, I was like, Wah, so high tech nowadays. (Note-the last time I gave birth was in 2001 and there was no such thing)


Well-Known Member
Frankly speaking, i didn't do any 4d scanning. I only did my detailed scanning at Thomson as my own gynae referred me to the HEad(antenatal or something) due to my complicated conditions (high risk+twins++). Like a second opinion. So i only went to Thomson twice only to do detailed scanning. 1st time at 16weeks, given some small pics(cost about $200+). 2nd detailed scanning at 20weeks, given a cd with the pic(cost about $300+due to twins scanning). So, when i was given the cd, I was like, Wah, so high tech nowadays. (Note-the last time I gave birth was in 2001 and there was no such thing)

hee...nowday high tech liao.. so u r mother of 3?? wow u got twin.. must be very xin ku hor... sure feel very heavy..:001_302: