Any MTB & Mummy Bring a CD or DVD to record detail scan?


New Member
done my detail scan at Thomson ytd, hubby cannot go in for the first 20mins reason is due to H1N1, so sad...

for the 20mins, the sonographer did the scanning and take the pics, i didn't get to see anithing, unlike the first time where we go see everything while taking the pics. after that den my hubby can come in. did the scanning for us to see, but only abt 1-2 mins only lor. just like normal scanning n the clinic. Haiz.

As for the cd to save the pics, she say dun have. those have it is becos they did it in the gynae clinic in Thomson. (dunno how true it is)..


Well-Known Member
I did mine at TMC in 2006 (delivered my boy in 2007). It was not at my gynae's clinic & it was my gynae who told us to bring a CD. :)


New Member
Ops. then i kana bluff... think she is lazy to help me save in cd.

when she did the scan, she keep shaking her head.. almost scare me to death:eek:

luckily after a while, i ask if everything's ok, she says ya... den i felt relieved.:tlaugh:


Well-Known Member
done my detail scan at Thomson ytd, hubby cannot go in for the first 20mins reason is due to H1N1, so sad...

for the 20mins, the sonographer did the scanning and take the pics, i didn't get to see anithing, unlike the first time where we go see everything while taking the pics. after that then my hubby can come in. did the scanning for us to see, but only about 1-2 mins only . just like normal scanning and the clinic. sigh.

As for the cd to save the pics, she say dont have. those have it is becos they did it in the gynae clinic in Thomson. (dont know how true it is)..

u must be sad.. hubby cant go in... sayang.. but BB is healthy more important.. :tlaugh: