Before Baby's full month


there's no MUST.. it's only wat u chose to believe n follow.. but wat y before full month? u mean the full month celeb bring fwd n do huh?

Phoebii Cheng

Well-Known Member
I think if you r celebrating earlier, then distribute it before you hold the bb full mth, cos' on the day of the celebration you will hv no time to distribute....

Or you might want to distribute it after you hold the full mth celebration but before bb full month itself

I think distributing cakes to relatives & friends is just to let everyone know that ur bb is full mth already, so it depends on you what you want to do

For us, we just cater food and invite only relatives & close friends, we did not distribute cakes to friends


New Member
there's no MUST.. it's only what you chose to believe n follow.. but what y before full month? you mean the full month celeb bring fwd n do huh?
The baby's full month celebration will be done on his full month.

However, one of my relatives said that before celebrating baby's full month, it's a custom to send the cakes to them(the relatives) personally and not on the day itself. So I'm wondering...

Plus I've already ordered the number of full month packages online and to be distributed in our house on the baby's full month itself...


New Member
I think if you r celebrating earlier, then distribute it before you hold the baby full month, cos' on the day of the celebration you will have no time to distribute....

Or you might want to distribute it after you hold the full month celebration but before baby full month itself

I think distributing cakes to relatives & friends is just to let everyone know that your baby is full month already, so it depends on you what you want to do

For us, we just cater food and invite only relatives & close friends, we did not distribute cakes to friends
I called them up and told them to come down to celebrate our baby's full month... I thought of giving them the cakes on the day itself because I'm doing confinement,and my husband said we can give them the cakes on the day itself... So i listened to him...
Now, it seems to backfire with all my relatives not happy that we didn't send the cakes to them, saying that that's customary... =X


Well-Known Member
I dont see why you cannot send the cakes to frens/relatives on the day itself.

we gave the cake away on the day we celebrated ds's full mth, though not actual 1 mth old.. and by giving it on the same day as the celebration, you can actually ask the relatives to bring home aft the party. =)

sry to say that, but why must they make things so complicated for u? for my relatives and frens, they also gave the cakes to frens/relatives when they went to their babies' 1st mth party, me too, no one complains. =)
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New Member
I dont see why you cannot send the cakes to friends/relatives on the day itself.

we gave the cake away on the day we celebrated dear son's full month, though not actual 1 month old.. and by giving it on the same day as the celebration, you can actually ask the relatives to bring home after the party. =)

sry to say that, but why must they make things so complicated for you? for my relatives and friends, they also gave the cakes to friends/relatives when they went to their babies' 1st month party, me too, no one complains. =)
I also dunno why... But You've nice and understanding relatives. =)


only distributed cakes to the parents n inlaws n some old relatives for them to pray..
and also hubby brought some to his coy to share with his colleagues..
didnt gave to those who attended the bb shower
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Mine was also distributed during the celebration day. ARe u able to ignore them? What's impt is get your hubby and parents and IL's support. Those relatives, how many times u see them per year.. hack care them.. :p hard to please everyone.. Just enjoy your baby... :)
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Well-Known Member
well, u cant please everybody.
just do what it is for your own convenience.
your relatives shld be able to understand tt u r still doing confinement..
n to go all the way to each n every one's place to deliver the cakes.. so free mehs??
now alr what century.. tt one is like SUPER old tradition.
i also gv out cake vouchers n the red eggs when they come to pin's full mth.
those nvr come, i nvr give, either ask other relatives to pass them or my mum went to give them.
no one complain whatsoever.
my other relatives also do the same thing lorrr.
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