can mix bm to bm together??

hi littlerat,

you can combine the 2 session together if both having same temperatur. example 1st session u already put on the fridge, the 2nd session u also have to put in the fridge before you combine both together.

normally i will combine too, if the pumps between the same day, but 1 bag also not more than 120ml, because as what cancanmum said, once you take out from freezer cannot put it back.


nope, its beta to store in a fresh bag, coz once opened, the milk must be drank immediately...cannot mix and store again...somemore u r putting in freezer.....we are sup to keep it constantly in the freezer and canx take out and put back....will lose freshness coz once u open the bag will make it likely to be contaminated with bacteria in the air....

i was like u, not enuf to fill up whole bag....wasted but to play safe i store one pump of BM everytime in a new bag.
Thanks for all mummies advise ...
What I intend to do is to keep the 2 day's supply in the milk bag in the freezer until I need it then I put into the fridge to thaw. Once it become liquid, I pour half out and other half remain in the fridge for the next feed on the same day.
Dunno if like this, can or not le??



Thanks for all mummies advise ...
What I intend to do is to keep the 2 day's supply in the milk bag in the freezer until I need it then I put into the fridge to thaw. Once it become liquid, I pour half out and other half remain in the fridge for the next feed on the same day.
Dunno if like this, can or not le??

As long as they are not in the freezer. I put in the fridge which is not freezer and not in the bag yet. Mine is in the bottle first then i will combine the 2 days together in the bag then store in the freezer. Once i thaw it i will put in the fridge. Dont combine more than that. I dont always do this matter unless my milk really too little.


Thanks for all mummies advise ...
What I intend to do is to keep the 2 day's supply in the milk bag in the freezer until I need it then I put into the fridge to thaw. Once it become liquid, I pour half out and other half remain in the fridge for the next feed on the same day.
Dunno if like this, can or not le??

Extracted from Breastmilk Storage Guidlines - Breastfeeding Accessories, Lanolin, Pumps, Nursing Pads, Milk Storage, Breastfeeding Information, Nurture Note, Lansinoh Laboratories

Breastmilk Storage Guidelines
  • Breastmilk can be left at room temperature (66-72°F, 19-22°C) for up to 10 hours
  • It can be stored in a refrigerator (32-39°F, 0-4°C) for up to 8 days
  • If you have a single-door refrigerator with freezer section, breastmilk can be stored in the freezer for up to 2 weeks (due to continous open/closing of freezer door)
  • If you have a two-door refrigerator/freezer, breastmilk can be stored in the freezer for 3 to 4 months
  • Deep freeze at constant 0°F (-19°C) for 6 months or longer
Hope it helps :tlaugh:


Extracted from Breastmilk Storage Guidlines - Breastfeeding Accessories, Lanolin, Pumps, Nursing Pads, Milk Storage, Breastfeeding Information, Nurture Note, Lansinoh Laboratories

Breastmilk Storage Guidelines
  • Breastmilk can be left at room temperature (66-72°F, 19-22°C) for up to 10 hours
  • It can be stored in a refrigerator (32-39°F, 0-4°C) for up to 8 days
  • If you have a single-door refrigerator with freezer section, breastmilk can be stored in the freezer for up to 2 weeks (due to continous open/closing of freezer door)
  • If you have a two-door refrigerator/freezer, breastmilk can be stored in the freezer for 3 to 4 months
  • Deep freeze at constant 0°F (-19°C) for 6 months or longer
Hope it helps :tlaugh:
Thanks for the infor ....